
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I was just wondering Miss H, will you be using a few dollops of goose fat this Christmas or will plain old lard suffice!

I like Lurpac myself, it is smooth and rather tasty

Their ignorance is their loss, they've obviously not seen your delectable rear!

I tried butt to no avail

Miss Avail

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
I am so excited about the announcement of the next Miss FreeOnes.

Obviously I will be entering and looking for support.

Help me get there.

Miss Hopes Not To Be Last

Last?! Haha! If you come last or anywhere near it then I'll eat my panties....

are you going to win all of them this time, Miss?

If she wants to she will. :)
Team Tart? Is that an Adult Entertainment Super Team? What powers or abilities are lacking from the team? Perhaps you could use more members. (Oh I feel certain Miss H will have her way with that last sentence.)


I'm watching some specialist videos
Team Tart? Is that an Adult Entertainment Super Team? What powers or abilities are lacking from the team? Perhaps you could use more members. (Oh I feel certain Miss H will have her way with that last sentence.)
