Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2014 Vote Weights are Announced! Check in to see where your votes stand!★
I kinda wish voting scaled more with post count prior to the five year period. Seems off that posting contributions only factor much past 100 if you've been here for five years...
I mean, at the five year point you see a 200% jump in voting value from the 50-100 mark. Having been here over a year, following that pattern, a vote with 500+ posts should be worth 10.5...but it's still worth just 3.75, since anything past 100+ is strangely meaningless at that point. The system seems to value long time members over contributors which... well, contributions should be rewarded, no? I can understand wanting to reward "loyalty" as well, but this system doesn't even really seem to do that since simply having an account for that long doesn't necessarily mean they've been logging in. I mean, if the goal is to get hits... uh, shouldn't the goal be to encourage contributing (which you have to show up to do)?