
Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I've only been on this forum for a few months now, but I've gotta say that I see a lot of dudes speculating on stuff and they either a) have no idea what they're talking about or b) are stating some ridiculous assumption. While most of the time it's just forgivable misconceptions, sometimes it is pure arrogant ignorance, and that is what really gets to me.

I am writing this with absolute respect for everyone, and my purpose is to educate, not to put anyone down.

OSCMs, please feel free to add to this. FO guys, questions? Ask. :)

1. Not all porn stars are "rich".
... whatever your qualifications for that may be. The amount of income from porn a girl makes is completely dependent on her own doing, an agent/manager, a contractual agreement with a company, or a mixture of any of the above. You can get booked for $10,000 worth of work in a month, or you can not get booked at all for a month.

2. Active porn stars are not laden with STDs.
It is industry-standard and an unspoken courtesy (not mandated by law), that anyone who acts as talent gets "panel-tested" or "AIM-tested" every 30 days. Results are normally exchanged and available for view a matter or days after both the urine and blood sample come back with results. As Jane Burgess said in a previous thread, "Frankly you are safer fucking a pornstar than picking up a chick at a bar."

3. Escorting is a separate decision.
I know a lotttttt of porn starlets that do escorting/hooking/prostitution/what have you on the side. Nowhere does it say it is a requirement to make yourself available to the public. That's completely a choice, along with rates for whatever offered. They say "every girl has her price". I have very strong views on this, but again, it's an outlet that they've chosen and I don't interfere with others' decisions.

4. We all have our reasons for doing what we do.
Contrary to popular negative beliefs, I don't think that "daddy issues", self-image, etcetera are primary basis for deciding to get into the adult industry. Some girls do it to pay for college, others as supplementary income, some are exhibitionists. I for one, do it because I find it empowering as a sex-positive feminist and I love to fuck, simply put.

All in all, please keep in mind that we may be categorized into the occupation of "porn star", as you, Bob or Joe might be "salespersons", but everyone is a multifaceted human being.

Thanks. :wave2:
I've only been on this forum for a few months now, but I've gotta say that I see a lot of dudes speculating on stuff and they either a) have no idea what they're talking about or b) are stating some ridiculous assumption. While most of the time it's just forgivable misconceptions, sometimes it is pure arrogant ignorance, and that is what really gets to me.

I am writing this with absolute respect for everyone, and my purpose is to educate, not to put anyone down.

OSCMs, please feel free to add to this. FO guys, questions? Ask. :)

1. Not all porn stars are "rich".
... whatever your qualifications for that may be. The amount of income from porn a girl makes is completely dependent on her own doing, an agent/manager, a contractual agreement with a company, or a mixture of any of the above. You can get booked for $10,000 worth of work in a month, or you can not get booked at all for a month.

2. Active porn stars are not laden with STDs.
It is industry-standard and an unspoken courtesy (not mandated by law), that anyone who acts as talent gets "panel-tested" or "AIM-tested" every 30 days. Results are normally exchanged and available for view a matter or days after both the urine and blood sample come back with results. As Jane Burgess said in a previous thread, "Frankly you are safer fucking a pornstar than picking up a chick at a bar."

3. Escorting is a separate decision.
I know a lotttttt of porn starlets that do escorting/hooking/prostitution/what have you on the side. Nowhere does it say it is a requirement to make yourself available to the public. That's completely a choice, along with rates for whatever offered. They say "every girl has her price". I have very strong views on this, but again, it's an outlet that they've chosen and I don't interfere with others' decisions.

4. We all have our reasons for doing what we do.
Contrary to popular negative beliefs, I don't think that "daddy issues", self-image, etcetera are primary basis for deciding to get into the adult industry. Some girls do it to pay for college, others as supplementary income, some are exhibitionists. I for one, do it because I find it empowering as a sex-positive feminist and I love to fuck, simply put.

All in all, please keep in mind that we may be categorized into the occupation of "porn star", as you, Bob or Joe might be "salespersons", but everyone is a multifaceted human being.

Thanks. :wave2:
Extremely well put, Kimora! :thumbsup:You of course know what they say about assumptions...
What about porn star's fathers? Do they hate them that much that they would do this? It would crush me if I had a daughter- seeing the innocent side when they were babies- cleaning up their poop, giving them baths, etc.. than to see them at 19-20 doing this? When every male is seeing them as objects of their self-gratification, nothing more...It would be demoralizing to me.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
What about porn star's fathers? Do they hate them that much that they would do this? It would crush me if I had a daughter- seeing the innocent side when they were babies- cleaning up their poop, giving them baths, etc.. than to see them at 19-20 doing this?

I know some parents that are supportive (take Sunny Lane's as an extreme example), and I know of some that are not. I cannot speak for any father.

When every male is seeing them as objects of their self-gratification, nothing more...It would be demoralizing to me.

And you cannot speak for 'every male'. I have plenty of fans that I do believe truly care about me as a person, as well as gratification.

Bree Olson

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I fucking love that! Thank you so much for what you just said. My thoughts exactly!

Bree Olson

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I am glad you said it and I wholeheartedly agree. You have my support now too, looks like I have to say "Vote for me, Jane B. and Kimora Klein!"


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I am glad you said it and I wholeheartedly agree. You have my support now too, looks like I have to say "Vote for me, Jane B. and Kimora Klein!"

Aw yay, ditto! I kinda let back on it since I'm so far behind (haha), but I'll definitely push your name since you're currently #1! Hopefully you stay up there. :lovecoupl


1. Pornstars may not be rich, but they do make a decent amount of money and most of them make enough to live on. I hate when people complain that they just bought a brand new bmw or nicer car then complain about it. Not saying this is just in the porn industry though.

Spreewell complained that he wasn't making enough money to feed his children. What is he feeding 5 million children?! No, he is just a complainer after making millions a year.

2. Common knowledge yet people tend to say shit just to get people mad.

3. I know nothing about. Wouldn't pay for sex besides maybe dinner and a toke.

4. Is just an excuse to put someone down and make it look evil. People have their own agendas which is usually caused by jealously.


Center of the fothermucking universe
I think that a lot of what people think about porn stars is wrong. I have known this for a awhile and this board reaffirmed it. Most porn stars are people who enjoy what they do and have no so called "horror stories" for getting into the business. They are people who lead normal lives like the rest of us, the one big differance is their job is having sex. They are the type of people who you could sit down and have a beer with and be great friends.
please stop me if I am wrong, but most guys belive that being a porn star is not that difficult. I mean what could be better you get to have sex with a hot chick. They forget that it doesn't matter how they want to fuck. It's up to the director. Imagine having to stay hard for several hours while they shoot you with this girl in several different potitions. You have a bunch of other dudes hanging aroung you holding lights ,a guy with a camera is about 2 inches away from your balls getting the penetration shot. You have to wait for the director to say you can cum, because he has to set up the camera and the lights for the pop shot. Plus if you blow a load to early. Well that's more money wasted and you may not keep your job too long.
I try not to judge people before I know them personally... I hate when it's done to me (mostly because of how I dress) so I try to not prejudge anyone because of their job or anything else...


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
1. Pornstars may not be rich, but they do make a decent amount of money and most of them make enough to live on. I hate when people complain that they just bought a brand new bmw or nicer car then complain about it. Not saying this is just in the porn industry though.



2. Common knowledge yet people tend to say shit just to get people mad.

It surely is not common knowledge. Common knowledge is 2+2=4, common knowledge is that Earth spins on an axis, common knowledge is that you have a penis, and I have a vagina. Please see the ridiculousness of this post:

3. I know nothing about. Wouldn't pay for sex besides maybe dinner and a toke.
Now you know. That was the purpose of the post.

4. Is just an excuse to put someone down and make it look evil. People have their own agendas which is usually caused by jealously.
I am pretty sure it is a mixture of casual slander as well as ignorance, as I said before. I don't know how many dudes are jealous of porn stars.