Ok lets look at this way.
Yankees - 201,000,000 - 1 of 30 - Too much money sometimes.
Tigers - 115,000,000 - 5 of 30 - They are a struggling sports state right now. Hockey they're very dominate. BTW you can't win everything.
Twins - 65,000,000 -23 of 30 - Twins always do great in my opinion
You can't tell me a 115m payroll team can't hold on?
Lol, Tigers would have had a better shot if they didn't blow it. JAJAJA - get over it it's a game and 2010 is always around the corner. You can't be salty after a lost. Just love the game and remember that nothing is a sure shot.
In the end Tigers blew and the Twins blew. The Yankees have the money in the baseball.
BTW the race was more of who would blow it more. The Twins had easy teams and Detroit had easy teams. They both weren't very good. The Twins just got on a hot streak. You could look as it as if Detroit failed in a race. Just switch around the games of the season.