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Michelle Bachmann wants to be like John Wayne. Gacy.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Does anyone ever wonder how much of it is actually real stupidity and whether they REALLY believe half of the garbage they spew? I sometimes wonder how much of it isn't actually pandering to their base...which is made up of a bunch of truly ignorant clowns (as opposed to the serial killer variety such as Pogo the Clown...AKA John Wayne......Gacy!)

That's a great question. In Donald Trump's case, I did wonder about that. Trump, even though he's a slickster and a quasi con man, is not stupid. So I wondered how a man, who has an obvious level of intelligence and business acumen, could be as far off the reservation as he was on the birther thing and Obama's Harvard admission. Especially since he was an Obama fan just a few years ago and he was absolutely trashing the GOP. Add to that, both he and his daughter, Ivanka, have been heavy donors to Democrats in the past, as well as Republicans. So in Trump's case, I decided that he was just playing a part, being as hyperbolic as possible, to get attention and raise the ratings for his TV show.

But in Bachmann's case, yeah, I actually think the woman is THAT flakey. Either she is incredibly ignorant or she has some sort of mental/emotional issue that causes her to say false things without thinking. Possibly like some form of Tourette syndrome? :dunno: It's not, as some here have tried to suggest, like saying there are 57 states or like me calling my dog by the name of a pet that died years ago. Michele has had SO many flubs, SO often, that one (even her fans) have to admit that the woman has some sort of problem.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
We could attribute this to a verbal flub (we all make them), but her pattern of "verbal flubs" is becoming too great to not see a pattern.
She thought the Shot Heard Around the World happened in New Hampshire.
She thought the fathers of the Constitution worked day and night to omit slavery from the original draft.
She literally lied about not receiving government farm subsidies (a pretty big lie, actually, from someone so anti-government spending).
She said that Obama had released all oil reserves...when in fact, 4 percent were released.

These are not words misspoken by a fatigued presidential candidate - these are statements made by a very ignorant, very manipulative person. And were she not one of the GOP favorites at the time, this would not be quite as disturbing.

Yeah, but she has gotten some right too! Like how the last time we had a swine flu outbreak, there was also a Democrat in the White House (Gerald Ford).

Or what about the massive death toll caused by that NATO bombing campaign over a couple of days?! Man, without Michele telling us that 30,000 Libyans were killed by NATO bombs, we'd all be ignorant of the damage being done by the so called "good guys"!

And even though I thought that I knew my Econ history pretty well, I didn't know about Hoot and Smalley being Democrats, who worked with FDR to implement tariffs and causing the Great Depression! All this time, my dumb ass thought that it was Smoot and Hawley (both Republicans) who authored the tariff bill, and that Herbert Hoover (another Republican) had signed it into law. I thought Roosevelt was the one who helped kill the law once he became President.

You guys can do what ya want. But Michele is my belle. I will seriously be seeing what I can do to get some t-shirts, buttons, pens or bumper stickers (without getting my name on a mailing list) to show how "fascinating" I find the Michele Bachmann campaign to be. :nanner:

Will E Worm

What the liberal media is fooling you all into believing is that she was actually wrong. She wasn't.

We all live in John Wayne. Gacy's. America.

The liberal media is just bullying her into apologizing and changing her own words.

Stand up for Killer Clown homos everywhere.

Stand up and vote for Bachmann.

John Wayne Gacy and Rosalynn Carter together. :1orglaugh

as in the pictures Gacy is wearing an "S" pin, indicating a person who has received a special clearance by the Secret Service.

Gacy became active in his local community activity and projects, including entertaining at picnics and parties as a clown and volunteering to clean the township Democratic party office where he offered the labor services of his PDM employees free of charge.

Convicted serial rapist and killer John Wayne Gacy's final words before being executed by lethal injection, on May 10, 1994, were --"Kiss my @$$."

The GOP don't like facts:stir:


And this is bad, why?

It's not. She messed up and meant John Wayne, not Gacy.

John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy had good movies. You know you have seen them both. ;)

Convicted serial killer Ted Bundy's final words before being executed in the electric chair on January 24, 1989 were --
"I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends."
Everyone is making fun of this by saying John Wayne wasn't born in Waterloo, Iowa...John Wayne Gacy was.

Only he wasn't. He was born in Chicago.

There's plenty to make fun of Bachmann about but if we're gonna' make fun of her for getting her facts wrong...let's make sure we don't either.


Now John Quincy Adams is a 'founding father'?:brick: (This poor girl confuses more of her 'Johns' than a 2 dollar hooker.:facepalm:)

Bachmann admits John Wayne flub, but still insists John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father

Michele Bachmann acknowledged Tuesday that she misspoke when she claimed yesterday that actor John Wayne was from her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa. But the 2012 GOP hopeful refused to dial back on another one of her notable gaffes: Her claim that the nation's Founding Fathers "worked tirelessly to end slavery."

In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, the Minnesota congresswoman insisted she was right on the slavery claim and pointed to the career of John Quincy Adams, the nation's sixth president who was not yet nine years old when the Declaration of Independence was drafted with the help of his father, John Adams.

Bachmann insisted John Quincy Adams, who later worked to end slavery, should be considered a "Founding Father."

"He was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father's secretary," Bachmann told ABC. "He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery."
But Stephanopoulos interjected, insisting that the younger Adams had never been considered one of the Founding Fathers.

"Well, John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy but he was actively involved," Bachmann replied.
You can watch the video here, courtesy ABC. (After Bachmann's interview, ThinkProgress notes that John Quincy Adams' Wikipedia page was edited to describe him as a "Founding Father.")

But in a separate interview with CNN's American Morning, Bachmann admitted to occasionally "misspeaking"—including on her claim yesterday that Wayne, the legendary movie star, was born in Waterloo when in fact his hometown is Winterset, nearly 150 miles away. Rather, it was serial killer John Wayne Gacy who lived in Waterloo for a time.

"People can make mistakes and I wish I could be perfect every time I say something, but I can't," Bachmann told CNN. "But one thing people know about me is that I'm a substantive, serious person and I have a strong background."

Yeah, people do but if MB is a 'substantive, serious person' she sure has gone to great lengths in front of a microphone to conceal any evidence of it.:dunno:

I can see it now...we wake up one day to find ourselves at war with Russia because President Bachmann convinced herself the T'bilisi Russian troops crossed into at 3 AM was in Georgia, USA only to find out after the nukes are flying that it's not...:crying:

Cuntinued at link....

Now John Quincy Adams is a 'founding father'?:brick: (This poor girl confuses more of her 'Johns' than a 2 dollar hooker.:facepalm:)


Dude, You're fucking hilarious.

Also, upon reflecting on this further, associating yourself with "John Wayne's America"--ie, an America that was nothing but an illusion designed to distract paying customers and keep them munching on popcorn--is probably worse than mixing up his hometown.

Dude, You're fucking hilarious.

Meh...I was going to say more than a GFE Escort but I didn't want to risk being misunderstood and I wasn't sure it would be entirely true.:dunno:
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You obamites crack me up, you're either on a pension, on welfare or you're grant students... get'toff yer lay zayy asses and pay your fair share of taxes! :1orglaugh

Per percentage of every dollar they make for all taxes put together the richest people in the country are some of the lowest taxed also.
as a registered Republican im not a fan of Michelle Bachmann. too much of an ideologist, but to stay on topic, these historical gaffes are adding up for her so much, itll be impossible for her to be taken seriously outside of Iowa.

Between her and Palin they could re-write the history books and really make our kids dumb in history :1orglaugh


Closed Account
Now John Quincy Adams is a 'founding father'?:brick: (This poor girl confuses more of her 'Johns' than a 2 dollar hooker.:facepalm:)


Her desperate attempt to insist that someone who was a child during the revolutionary war era(Joh Quincy Adams) was a Founding Father is far more unforgivable.:facepalm: It's like insisting that Mark Cuban was a Founding Father of The ABA because he was a child during it's formation and lived during the ABA era:dunno:

Instead of backing off her statements that The Founding Fathers(plural) 'worked tirelessly to end slavery':)1orglaughthat's a joke) she desperately tries to rewrite American history with a LONE example that's just not the case. What's even more sad is that some people still uphold this nonsense.

It was a mistake at first,but stubbornly insisting on something that's not true is now a 'lie' and she takes her supporters for damn fools. Maybe she has a point because they still support her. Who wants leaders that can't admit their mistakes and try to move on?

She should simply accept the fact that her precious Founding Fathers were deeply flawed men like Thomas Jefferson who repeatedly RAPED his 14 year old slave girl(one we know of) and who knows what other trauma/atrocities these slaveholding Founding Fathers inflicted upon their slaves.

My favorite 'Founding Father' Thomas Paine was one of a very few who actually openly opposed slavery. His abolitionism and anti church sentiments caused this great Revolutionary to die an outcast as 6 people showed up for his funeral.
if i was judging this as a contest on who knows less about US history, Bachmann just took first place with John Quincy Adams being a founding father. Palin is second with Paul Revere made his famous ride to warn people the british were going to take their guns away.


Closed Account
if i was judging this as a contest on who knows less about US history, Bachmann just took first place with John Quincy Adams being a founding father. Palin is second with Paul Revere made his famous ride to warn people the british were going to take their guns away.

Not really a big issue if they make a blatant historical mistake , but to not acknowledge it and claim they are right against all evidence. Is that how they will lead by charging ahead with an agenda irregardless of the facts?

Instead of admitting they may have 'mispoke' or that their history is a little rusty(whose isn't?) they plow ahead with a lie and their rewrite of history.

The GOP is turning into an anti- Science and anti -Intellectual entity. Conservative disdain for 'Elite Liberals' or ' Intellectuals' and their willingness to revel in the ignorance that is Palin/Bachmann,etc.... and Right Wing Social politics is sad.
Meh...I was going to say more than a GFE Escort but I didn't want to risk being misunderstood and I wasn't sure it would be entirely true.:dunno:

GFE Escorts may go for more than $2 ;)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Between her and Palin they could re-write the history books and really make our kids dumber in history :1orglaugh

Fixed that for ya. From something I read, more than a few younger people think that Abraham Lincoln was the first President. :1orglaugh

She's apparently now upset with Chris Wallace, her brother from another mother at Fox News, for suggesting that she's a "flake". Yet, every time she opens her mouth, she's the one who adds fuel to the fire. Her law degree is from a make believe, unaccredited religious law school that was run out of business. Her supposed accounting degree from William & Mary does not exist, in the fashion that she's presented it. Maybe she has a piece of paper from a weekend accounting course that she took at William & Mary. But considering how obviously goofy this woman is, I'm not believing she could even get into a school like William & Mary, much less graduate. I want proof, Michele! For me to take her seriously at this point, I need to see her SAT scores, her LSAT's, an IQ test and a psych evaluation.

BTW, the fact that I continue to find this woman sexually attractive just says that I would have trouble passing a psych evaluation. What can I say, that crazy ass, MILF hottie just does something for me.
Fixed that for ya. From something I read, more than a few younger people think that Abraham Lincoln was the first President. :1orglaugh

She's apparently now upset with Chris Wallace, her brother from another mother at Fox News, for suggesting that she's a "flake". Yet, every time she opens her mouth, she's the one who adds fuel to the fire. Her law degree is from a make believe, unaccredited religious law school that was run out of business. Her supposed accounting degree from William & Mary does not exist, in the fashion that she's presented it. Maybe she has a piece of paper from a weekend accounting course that she took at William & Mary. But considering how obviously goofy this woman is, I'm not believing she could even get into a school like William & Mary, much less graduate. I want proof, Michele! For me to take her seriously at this point, I need to see her SAT scores, her LSAT's, an IQ test and a psych evaluation.

BTW, the fact that I continue to find this woman sexually attractive just says that I would have trouble passing a psych evaluation. What can I say, that crazy ass, MILF hottie just does something for me.

that whole thing about politicians being picky about where they appear is really overrated. Conservatives think theyre safe going on Fox news cause of the perception of the network, than they find out the people not named Sean Hannity wont let them get away with Spin..and Chris Wallace esp. is a tough interviewer, he does his homework and presents both sides decently. Likewise with Liberals going on MSNBC where they are generally not challenged by anoyone there but the serious news people, the ones who arent paid to give their opinions, throw the hammer down on them in ways they dont like. i liked how Tim Russert challenged everyone, no matter the party affiliation, on their views. there are no more Tim Russerts in journalism these days

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Check out Bloomberg News if you get a chance, PJ. They don't really get into politics so much, and the shows are dry and not at all "show bizzy". But it is a data driven financial news source (compared to Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, etc.). And they don't pull any punches. But since most Americans want entertainment, not data, Bloomberg isn't very popular.
GFE Escorts may go for more than $2 ;)

The question is what do they cum for?

Re: 'Misunderstood', I didn't want to risk implying that I may have been getting personal in referencing GFE Escorts. What I wasn't sure about was who actually confuses their "John's" more, Bachmann or a GFE Escort.


52% of america's highest income earners voted for him.

Shhhh....that's a fact and you're threatening to turn a discussion with him into something logical.:Face-palm:

Example here.

Re: Example...

Teacher: Class what language do Americans in the US commonly speak?

Class of 3rd Graders: (In chorus) En-glishhhh.

Teacher: Now class what is the official language of England and what do the British commonly speak?

Class of 3rd Graders: (Seriously Teach??:confused:) (In chorus) Uh, En-glishhhh.

Teacher: Now class are there different American terms in English just as there are different British terms in English? Likewise, Puerto Rican terms in Spanish different from Mexican terms in Spanish...and consistently Austrian terms in German that differ from German terms in German?

Class of 3rd Graders: :Face-palm: (In chorus) Duhhhhhh, yessss.

I can see it now...we wake up one day to find ourselves at war with Russia because President Bachmann convinced herself the T'bilisi Russian troops crossed into at 3 AM was in Georgia, USA only to find out after the nukes are flying that it's not...:crying:

President Bachmann: (Phone ringing 3 AM) *answers* This is the President.

Sec'y of Defense Terry Lankin: (Freed by Bachmann and made Sec'y of Defense for being a fellow 'birther') Uh, Madame President we have word the Russians have just invaded T'bilisi.

President Bachmann: T'bli--tribad...tre...uh, Where is that??:confused: Sounds like it's someplace in libby-ville USA LOL....If so, they can have it....probably fully of pinko commies anyway.<chuckle>.

Sec'y of Defense Lankin: Yeah...probably right Ma'am...but just to make sure I had the wife Mapquest it since I thought I heard someone on Fox say something about Georgia... So I told her to see where T'bilisi was from Atlanta and she said there was just an arrow pointing to the north east.

President Bachmann: NORTHEAST OF ATLANTA?!??!!! That's toward the Carolinas...CONSERVATIVE COUNTRY!!!:surprise::wtf:\:mad:/:cussing: NUKE THE BASTARDS!!! (slams the phone down).

(phone rings)

President Bachmann: Yeah?

Sec'y of Defense Lankin: Uh ma'am, I think you have to go authenticate a few codes and stuff first... Ha-ha..you know, so we don't make a mistake or something.

President Bachmann: :shy: I knew that....
The question is what do they cum for?

Re: 'Misunderstood', I didn't want to risk implying that I may have been getting personal in referencing GFE Escorts. What I wasn't sure about was who actually confuses their "John's" more, Bachmann or a GFE Escort.


1. Talent
2. Clearly Bachmann