Michael Moore

I just got done watching Bowling for Columbine in my Writing class... I cried twice.

If you are American and haven't seen it... You should really check it out. Its really slanted though.

Im kinda apprehensive about Farenheit 9-11 though... The preview got me so pissed at the government Id hate to see the whole movie.
I'm just happy to see that you realized that the movie was heavily biased. I agree that it's awesome and shows some things that most people would have never guessed. I agreed with a lot of points that Moore makes but, once again, it's heavily biased.
foxycougar said:
I'm just happy to see that you realized that the movie was heavily biased. I agree that it's awesome and shows some things that most people would have never guessed. I agreed with a lot of points that Moore makes but, once again, it's heavily biased.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
I think Michael Moore is a genius and isn't scared to tackle major issues, fair enough he puts across a strong view which others may call biased, but every other documentary maker out there is also biased, after all they're there to put an opinion across or make you aware of certain issues.....even something that appears unbiased is edited

"Lies, damn lies, and documentaries!"
Micheal Moore has publicy stated that "Fahrenhiet 9/11" is not
even a documentary.
He's just proving a point this time.
he even called it a propaganda film
man, he is hilarious.
he also said, he's not even in it that much this time,
usually he has to be to make it a little more funny,
but he said that all the Pres. Bush stuff is funny enough
and he doesn't have to be in it nearly as much.
the last clip in the trailer is amazing. scary, but amazing.

he is a radical, but hey somebody has to be.
it's just movies really.
Im sorry... I don't normally say this... but that is the most retarded thing Ive ever heard anyone say.

Michael Moore isn't in it for the Comedy.

The movies are slanted yes... but its true. You don't have to take his opinion on it. He just tells you what it is. The actual information on the film is still true.

I find all of the clips on the preview scary. If you have half a knowledge of government you would.

The scene where he is calling the rich... elite... HIS BASE. WTF do you think an Oligarchy is? Democratic my ass. This country is lead by elites and I'll tell you two reasons. People with money are in charge of advertising. Everyone wants to be like people with money.

The people with money are the Elites that Republicans like Bush appeal to by not redistributing wealth and not raising taxes for the rich. This country would be 10 times better without the republican party all-together.
yeah dude,
I thank my lucky stars every day that I'm not an American.
any American I've ever been friends with has been an amazing person
who I love and respect like family,
but that country is run by insane war freaks who can't wait to jump at the chance to kill people. not to mention a million other problems.

Micheal Moore uses his sense of humor to drive these points home.
I think he is amazing. He makes people listen and teaches them by entertaining them and showing just how absurd things are and
how regular everyday people shouldn't just accept these things.

did you ever see on his show "the awful truth"
before Bush was President, when he did research on which state governer,
had signed off on the most death penalites?
Bush was in the lead my the hundreds or something,
so he made up these giant colourful charts showing this information and
went to see the bush's governer brother (not sure which state)
and told him that he was getting his ass kicked by his brother.
brilliant and hilarious.

I'm agreeing with you dude.
chill man.

I just didnt find ANYTHING at all funny about Bowling for Columbine.

Bush's brother is in Florida.

And Bush was in Texas. Texas is like known for the death penalty.

On a side note... I love how Michael Moore paints the NRA as if they are just what the KKK turned into.
Goblin said:

I just didnt find ANYTHING at all funny about Bowling for Columbine.

Bush's brother is in Florida.

And Bush was in Texas. Texas is like known for the death penalty.

On a side note... I love how Michael Moore paints the NRA as if they are just what the KKK turned into.

that's cool dude,
no worries.

I don't think there's anything funny about that shit either.
it's terrible.
just think Micheal is funny.
(that scene in the bank where you get the free gun for opening
an account is a tiny bit funny, or he makes it funny at least)

yeah I figured it most have been a southern state,
people seem to like to kill people down there for some reason.
it's wierd that you would murder somebody for murdering somebody.
hard to be in the victim's familes shoes I suppose though.
revenge is powerful
I love his opioions on the NRA too.
why are so many people into having guns?

you should rent those shows on DVD, "The Awful truth"
if you haven't ever seen them already, (I think you can rent them)
and the movie "Roger & Me"
I'm sure you will love them.

to be fair, Michael moore is quite biased but he does wot he does very well and get his point across and gives u straight facts whereas tbh the government is bolox, if u look at his books, u will c that he has shitloads of facts to back everything up, everything he ses, he has loads of press dates etc to back everything up and everything is true ffs, damn bush, everything in this world revolves around money!
good documentary it was but as you know there are many people who own guns in the us. many of gun owners are members of nra and what? just because they think differently it posed a problem to michael moore just to show that nra was indirectly responsible for gun sales and of what happened in columbine? If you are mentally ok you know that you won't use a gun in a school but if you are not stable then there is the problem.

just giving you my opinion


georges :) ;)
every1 has their own opionion to 2b fair, he make a lot of gd points about 9/11 and about Columbine!
from what i heard about 9/11 it was more an anti bush propaganda rather than anything else. he shouldn't be given the palme d'or cannes. he was given the palme d'or by some anti bush members of jury (and by the way for me they are indirectly anti americans). You must know that there is a lot of people who are anti american in France so they took the opportunity through farenheit 9/11 to express their opposition to Bush.
Personnaly i support the republican party also for your info during regan's presidency , usa has the lowest un employment rate, the highest advance in terms of technology, military, health industry as well as in other fields.No other president and i mean no other did what reagan did.Even clinton didn't reach reagan's level.
It is always too easy criticize one but i think being realistic and avoiding to be influenced by judgement by someone who is not into politics an who is not high educated is something important.

just giving you my two cents worth


i suppose, but Bush is the one who seems to have gotten most of his gains by sacrificing somthing else. He got into power by blackmail and other covert means, the ballots were a sham! read 'dude, where's my country' and then u'll understand a bit more about bush's background and his links to Saudi arabia!


Closed Account


i really liked bowling for columbine, but i think he proved it when he opened those peeps doors in canada, we americans are just in the wrong mindset. i liked how he didn't actually target guns as the issue, but that the way we enforce our laws and view guns-and treat each other is what our problem is.
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Closed Account
btw, i'm REALLY looking forward to Fahrenheit 9/11
Re: Bowling... we had a thread on the movie a while back. Since I'd rather not re-type, I'll quote my remarks from then:

"I enjoyed this film, however for the sake of playing Devil's Advocate, I'd like to point out what I didn't like.

As was mentioned already, this film is not really a documentary in that it is much more slanted than a traditonal doc. Moore has been critcized for this. He's also been criticized for editing events so that they appear to be in chronological order when they in fact are not (to add drama to the film). These criticisms don't bother me much, but there is one criticism that does: that Moore will stage events when it suits the needs of his movie. He has been found guilty of doing this in his previous films, and has been accused of doing it in Bowling. I can't say this for certain, but I for one am very suspicious about the scene where he walks around Toronto and finds people's doors unlocked.

Overall, I liked the movie. Some of his arguments I agreed with, others I did not (eg. blaming Dick Clark for that child's death was a reach IMO)... but it makes you think, and that's always the sign of a good movie."

Re: Fahrenheit....

I've not seen this film but I'm looking forward to seeing it. One assertion I've heard that's made in the film I'm particularly interested in concerns the now famous footage of Bush being informed of the attack while reading a story to a group of children. According to Moore, this oocurred not after the first attack but the SECOND. Bush had already knew of the first attack before entering the room, but had decided to (now paraphrasing Moore's words), "go to his photo-op session rather than take charge of the situation." I'm very curious to hear more about this, since I've not heard ANY mention of this on the news from the time of the attacks till now.
I can't verbatim qoute what I saw on the preview but I remember a scene where he is asking for something from the American people and then he goes on to say "Now watch this drive." as he plays golf.

The Dick Clark thing was more about having the poor relocate so far to work for nothing. Its taking advantage of a situation rather than helping it. Maybe there was a small undercurrent regarding placing blame on him for the death, but it wasn't something he tried to press.

The thing about the NRA is that they always say its their right to have guns by the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment is an outdated Amendment. There isn't a need for militia in todays society. We have a large standing ARMY and the National Guard is technically the state's militia.

They are abusing an amendment that shouldn't even be in effect anymore.
One thing that Moore points out in Bowling that hasn't been mentioned is "fear"... you can see it all over the tv in america, from the lowest sations in the middle of nowhere (West Nile, 5 thing to survive random a events) even in national news (conartists, scams, Iraq has weapons of mass....). The cartoon by trey parker is perfect, if you're scared of everything and near a gun - I wonder what the outcome will be:rolleyes: