Mexican Gunmen dump 35 bodies on avenue.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I fear that the US is becoming more and more violent as well, with little regard to others or the rule of law. Today, drug cartels control places inside the US. Think about that for a minute... meanwhile, the average American is getting to dumb and fat to move away from the couch and their reality TV shows, the government is spending us into debt, people seem devoid of real meaning in their lives and glorify stupidity and violence in every art medium available, people would rather act like idiots rather than have any self respect, and poor people spend money on stupid shit while their kids are being ignored.... I mean I could go on and on.

Am I being pessimistic or realistic? I just see the post modern world collapsing into an orgy of drug infused violence soon.... what's happening in Mexico today will be coming to a town near you unfortunately, and then some. :2 cents:

Ahh, I see what you're saying now. No, I agree. Essentially we need an apocalyptic event to shake up the order of things. But people are so ill-prepared that it would take its toll.

A while back there was the start of car-bombings in Juarez. I kind of expected to travel across the border and start hitting El Paso, but it never did.

Of course, I pray for the zombie apocalypse to happen. It'll give me something to do outside the norm of my day.


Anyone who blames stoners for idiot mexican killers dumping bodies in the street has smoked too much weed. There's nowhere in the rules that says that:
A. Drug trafficking requires murder or
B. Mexico has any weed worth smoking.