Metal Gear Solid 4

This game is un fucking real. It is the 1st game of the series I've played and I'm blown away. Is this what I've been missing out on for the past 10 years? This game may have swayed me onto the PS3 side of the console war.
I bought my ps3 the day this came out about a year and a half ago and Metal Gear solid 4 became my favorite game of all time in over 20 yrs of being around games. Its quite epic. Other than an occasional game of NHL10 my 360 is collecting dust so I can relate to what you're saying....
Start with the series from Metal Gear Solid on PS1 up to this one to truly enjoy a lucrative series and story.

I personally enjoy the third one. A lot of folks dislike the second one due to a convoluted storyline. Personally, I love it! I thought it was a great game.

Hopefully you will enjoy the series in a whole if you choose to play the previous three games! :hatsoff:


Die For Me
I personally enjoy the third one. A lot of folks dislike the second one due to a convoluted storyline. Personally, I love it! I thought it was a great game.

The second one easily has the most confusing storyline I think, along with a lot of dialogue(some 15-20 minute cut scenes IIRC). Otherwise it's still really good.
I probably prefer the third game too, out of the first three.
Start with the series from Metal Gear Solid on PS1 up to this one to truly enjoy a lucrative series and story.

I personally enjoy the third one. A lot of folks dislike the second one due to a convoluted storyline. Personally, I love it! I thought it was a great game.

Hopefully you will enjoy the series in a whole if you choose to play the previous three games! :hatsoff:

Metal Gear Solid squeezed alot of juice out of that little ps1 console, great game.
The second one easily has the most confusing storyline I think, along with a lot of dialogue(some 15-20 minute cut scenes IIRC). Otherwise it's still really good.
I probably prefer the third game too, out of the first three.

Actually I think one of the scenes close to the end when you find the President is well over an hour. I want to say the longest scene, including codex, back to scene, back to codex, back to scene is close to two hours. I know some get lengthy. Thing is, watch it once, skip what you don't want to watch again over.

Metal Gear Solid squeezed alot of juice out of that little ps1 console, great game.

It sure as hell did! I still play it to this day if I feel like killing some time and enjoying a PS1 quality game.
Actually I think one of the scenes close to the end when you find the President is well over an hour. I want to say the longest scene, including codex, back to scene, back to codex, back to scene is close to two hours. I know some get lengthy. Thing is, watch it once, skip what you don't want to watch again over.

I think I clocked that final cut scene at the end of MGS2 at around 25 minutes.Straight!

As far as the story being convoluted,I think the only thing that is a but confusing is the whole La Li Lu Le Lo stuff.Other than that,I really love the story of MSG2.They really get into some heavy philosophical stuff that I've only seen in the Final Fantasy and Xenogears games.They actually made the antagonist's motives justifiable,which I felt was an excellent juxtaposition for a video game.

I think that the Metal Gear series has only gotten better.Haven't played the newest one yet,but as soon as I get my PS3 fixed,that's one that I'll definitely be getting it.
I got confused with the La Li Le Le Lo stuff because I had no idea how to say it, so how could I understand it? :dunno:

At the time of playing the game for first time ever, of course.
Yeah Metal Gear is the greatest game that I have ever played. It truly does have one of the most complex and confusing storylines of any game ever made if you played 1 through 4. Ive played them all over dozens of times and every time I play one I find out something new I didn't know or forgot about. But I think Ive mastered the knowledge of all there is to know on the series. lol.
This is one of the reasons i got a PS3. MGS is one of the greatest gaming franchies EVER. MGS4 is unreal. When first played, you just HAVE to sit through every cutscene and search every nook and cranny of the game because its that intoxicating. Ive been a solid'er since MGS1 on PS1, been hooked ever since on this lethal drug :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
STdiva, You haven't even played Metal Gear Solid 1?! It's, in my opinion the worlds greatest game. Cam Clarke, David Hayter and Patric Zimmerman, Doug Stone and Julie Monroe = Epic
Yeah, this is easily the best of the series!
But you should also check parts 1 (available at PSN) and 3! The second was my least favorite, although it still was a pretty good game.
Have fun!! (Wow! To be able to play through the first 3 games for the first time...!!)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That brings back memories, playing MGS1, 2 and 3 for the first time.


Man the creator of this series could write his own book. I mean its some heavy sociology shit right there man. Message of course changed slightly from the first one probably due to the mainstream western success. But yea man basically showing ya how institutions and bureaucracy take on a life of there own. Throws in all the les enfants terrible thing pretty much commentary on technology and genetic research. Various themes about war and is just a complete mental rollercoaster! Oh did I say it handles like a ferrari too?
STdiva, You haven't even played Metal Gear Solid 1?! It's, in my opinion the worlds greatest game. Cam Clarke, David Hayter and Patric Zimmerman, Doug Stone and Julie Monroe = Epic

I haven't played any of them. I now realize what a mistake that was.
The one thing I never understood about the metal gears, from 2 onward, is why do they bleed and roar? To me that was the gayest thing of all time. And while I enjoy the stories, the cutscenes can go on waaaaaay too long for my tastes.

MGS1 was just right. The story was believable and the action wasn't way over the top. It's still my favorite in the series
BTW for you people with PS3's, MGS1 is in the PS Store right now! Im downloading it as we speak! Can't wait to get back on that badboy
They are good, but I just got tired of the cut scenes that went on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on