Message under username. Help.


"Every keystroke databased c/o The Hague"

"Remember, I / she was a correctional officer"

" . . better be a good boy"

". . .whose skating on thin ice"

"drop your cocks and grab your socks ! " - Clint Eastwood

"Forgot that his genitalia was external"

"Reduced to a Dial Up ISP"

"His GF wears the pants"

I love Freeones so much I quite my job

FreeOnes is pumping through my veins

I eat, sleep and live FreeOnes

Loves come and go, but FreeOnes is forever

If FreeOnes was a woman I'd marry her
My newest task is to make up a new list of user titles. Suggestions? :)

..playing off the F1's tee winner status; if someone earns enough points for 2, maybe a bit of reward to change up/edit the stuff under their name?:dunno::thumbsup:..

..let's face it, earning free stuff is the ultimate motovator..:D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A variant on one of fresno's...

"Diamonds are forever, and so is FreeOnes"

:dunno: It's three in the morning, gimme a break.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I got one for myself: 5 years here and only 1,500+ posts. WTF?
I wish we could control the message under our names " penis enlargement pills made my penis grow 6 inches" Im a fucking girl!!!


Closed Account
Like I said in another thread, I think at 10,000 posts you should be allowed a custom message. Probably won't happen though.
I like to make women wet

FreeOnes makes me cum five time a day

If FreeOnes was a woman I'd ask her to marry me

I joined FreeOnes because I'm horny 24/7

Who's that woman in you Sig? She looks like my wife

If FreeOnes was a town I'd move there

All I can think about is FreeOnes 24/7


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
How about one making fun of how everyone wants to change it?

Something like "Insert funny comment here" or something.
I wish we could control the message under our names " penis enlargement pills made my penis grow 6 inches" Im a fucking girl!!!

Yeah, I'd like to have the option of changing the message or not having one at all.


Whats up with the little headlines under our user names?

What is the highest one before you reach freeones enlightment?