It's all going to be GG and nothing more. They were never vague and evasive with any highly hoped for/rumored anal debuts of elite stars, they just took forever to release. Yet, they are most evasive to the content of what Maria's scene will be . . .if they even release it. But it most certainly will not be B/G. It's how this industry plays their games, evade and be vague all day so that when the release happens, they can deny any "promises" and blame the customers and followers for their own disappointment. (Except when it's Darcy Dulce who just blatantly lies annually for almost half a decade.) The best you can hope or is maybe a 2nd scene featuring a "threesome" where all she does is play with the girl and spectates, while only the other girl even goes near the guy. Search your feelings padewans, you know this to be true.