For her birthday Megan Fox presents a few crotch shots right here:
It's true - bad actress - hot girl thanks to surgeries - her 10mins are up
Every early picture of her actually points to the fact she hasn't had surgery
I'm not sure how wise a move this is on the studio's part, considering the fact that Megan's bronzed legs and cleavage and about 5 minutes of robot-fight were the ONLY things worth looking at in that Transformers 2 mess. Sure, it made tons of money...but will part 3 get as much traffic if guys know going into it there won't be any Megan to ogle??? :dunno: Still, this is probably some kind of power game negotiating her salary. Bet she's back in this in a few weeks.
I'm about to air my opinion here, so if that's not something you'd like to read just skip over this:
I've heard from a few different sources that MF is out of the casting for Transformers3. To me this really isn't much of a big deal. I wasn't even planning on seeing T3 in theaters anyways. Trans2 was quite a disappointment of a film to me and I really only enjoyed the first. I feel they could've left it as a standalone film and I'd have been content. I don't even like any of Michael Bay's other films anyways.
If Megan can keep her mouth shut (something that comes with age and wisdom) she'll get more movie roles and come out better for it. I think she's got a little more going for her than Lindsay Lohan, but what do I know...
......ah, venting complete![]()