I've posted my feelings on abortion before and they lean more to the practical than the theological.
What actually gets me more than the abortion debate is the people who speak so definitely one way or the other. I'm envious in one sense that maybe they have figured our all of the moral pitfalls and really have a handle on it. If I'm honest with myself, I just think they're lazy, have plopped their brains on a decision and aren't going to worry about the moral implications. I happen to think no matter where you fall on this one, thee is some ugliness on your side. That includes me and where I've plopped my brain on the matter.
If you're not concerned with the moral implications of what you support on this topic, then I don't think you have an understanding. Life is messy.
Damn straight, buddy. And messy is how come most people stop worrying about the grey areas, like is it ok to abort a 20 week fetus? Hell, I don't think so, but I have to fuck with someone's free space and self determination to intervene in pregnancy termination. If Doctors refuse to abort viable 4 and 5 month fetus', will the idiot crack whore kill herself AND the unborn baby through an underground procedure, or just a drug overdose? That kills the baby just as surely. And when a Mother will most likely bleed to death from a birth or C section, is it her choice to choose who dies?
Some Mothers give their lives for their children born or not, some want the baby removed and to live no matter what.
How does society choose which is acceptable? And is it possible to make a line anywhere, the closer it gets to possible fetal viability given the likelihood any preemie will survive? That is never a given, even with high Dollar modern incubation and post-natal care.
You are so right, life is messy, I got nothing here.
Babies are real cute, though. I vote for a 20 week cut-off, without a court order signed off on by at least 2 Doctors.
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