yes, the organic thing is catching on. thats how ive been eating for a long time now. im a little concerned though about its popularity. i think as it becomes more popular, there will be some terms fudged around on the prerequisites of organically produced food by the government to get us back on the addictive fast track again.
I can definitely see that happening. There are a few different regulations with labeling things organic and I believe that food companies that jump on the organic bandwagon will begin to weasel their way around the regulations when they can. (Not to say that ALL food companies are run by scumbags...some are very, very concerned with public health)
I personally believe that the situation will become very similar to that of the whole "Fat Free" label. A food product can be labeled "Fat Free" as long as it has no more than .5 grams of Trans Fat per serving...which is VERY misleading to those who are uninformed (aka - 99% of the general public). If you think about it, that can add up to be quite a decent amount of fat. A serving of chips is only what...6 or 7 chips? Who ONLY eats that many chips? It's a false sense of security that these food companies are giving the public and when I get the resources and manpower behind me, I actually plan on taking a stand. Anyway, bottom line, they're in it for the money, not the public's health...which is sad and really concerns me as a chef.
I think it's great you eat organic. You probably already know this, but just in case you didn't, here are the regulations of foods being labeled organic...
100% Organic - Approved by a USDA "Organic" seal. Food product is 100% completely organic
Organic - Also approved by a USDA "Organic" seal. Food product (by weight, excluding water and salt (I believe)) must contain 95% organic content
Made with Organic - CAN NOT have USDA "Organic" seal. Food product must be at least 70% organic content (by weight)
There's also another label that isn't used much.
"Less than 70% of content is organic" - The product can only list the organic ingredients on the nutrition panel, not on the main ingredient panel.