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MaxHardcore 4 years in prison


And the 10 percent that is real would be????

So your with me you know aswell as i do that there are people that think these kind of acts wrestling,Max Hardcore and other things there will always be certain people that believe it

yes there are bozos that do
yes there are bozos that do

Which makes it very dangerous, obviously 99 percent of us can watch this kind of thing be it wrestling.porn or whatever and take it with a pinch of salt but others may just start to think its ok to do it


Which makes it very dangerous, obviously 99 percent of us can watch this kind of thing be it wrestling.porn or whatever and take it with a pinch of salt but others may just start to think its ok to do it

like my mother, who always says "thats someones daughter"
While I do hate to see Max convicted based on an arbitrary view of what "obscenity" is, it makes me think a little bit. Aren't very many of the laws in this land just basically arbitrary?

Who says I can't drive faster than the speed limit? I don't think it is unsafe.
Who says my kids have to be schooled or home schooled? I want them to be dumb.
Who says I can't hit my kids? I am their guardian and there is nothing in the constitution about child welfare.
Who says I can't own slaves? Certainly not our founding fathers.
Who says I can't watch or have sex with girls who are underage? That's just arbitrary.

If you all will excuse these obviously SARCASTIC examples, I will get to my point that our very often flawed governments (and indeed juries) are ENTRUSTED with acting to protect and serve the public. In doing so, they often get decisions (like this one) dead wrong. But how do you completely separate morality from government? Because of human nature, I daresay you can't. Especially when many, many people want the two to be one in the same.

I am upset with this verdict, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I am outraged. This is what governments in the US have become, and it has been more or less chosen by the "majority" of the American people over the years however directly or indirectly. Unless you want to advocate anarchy, this is the best we've got. Aside from drastic measures, we can do little else but keep trying to vote and support the things we want. This ball started rolling with the Constitution itself providing for the structure that would become our government. We have little choice but to entrust the elected officials of the House, the Senate, state legislatures, governors, mayors and even the President to reflect what we want. Those elected officials along with the officials they so duly appoint. This "we" who trust and elect these officials includes the "moral majority". You want to blame someone in this case, blame them for telling the government it is what "we" want.

Looks like I sat the fence again....pity....

Will E Worm

We have little choice but to entrust the elected officials of the House, the Senate, state legislatures, governors, mayors and even the President to reflect what we want. This "we" includes the "moral majority". You want to blame someone in this case, blame them for telling the government it is what "we" want.

We do have the right to abolish any form of government that becomes destructive and tries to take away our rights.
It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish a tyrannical and despotic government.

The government doesn't do what we want, or we would be out of this unnecessary war already. It's, We the people", not, "Us the government".

Seems they forgot that part of the Constitution.
Everyone in Washington is a puppet, they don't work for us any more. They work for their puppet master. They sold us out along time ago. It's time everyone wakes up and takes this country back.

They also have no right to tell us how or when to educated our children. Children are under the authority of their parents.

Socialism in schools
We do have the right to abolish any form of government that becomes destructive and tries to take away our rights.
It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish a tyrannical and despotic government.

The government doesn't do what we want, or we would be out of this unnecessary war already. It's, We the people", not, "Us the government".

Seems they forgot that part of the Constitution.
Everyone in Washington is a puppet, they don't work for us any more. They work for their puppet master. They sold us out along time ago. It's time everyone wakes up and takes this country back.

They also have no right to tell us how or when to educated our children. Children are under the authority of their parents.

I agree with you. But, I think the problem is that this board does not accurately reflect the will of this country. So many people in the US are smug, apathetic or just wouldn't know what to do or lack the organization to do anything about changing the government for the better. Still more are just pleased as punch and pretty much wouldn't change a thing. Call me pessimistic, but so many people fall into one of these two groups that I doubt anything significant could ever be done. And upon realization of that, I harmlessly (and unfortunately) drop down somewhere in that first group. And yes, I am sad to say that.
this is very stupid... I never expected this to happen in the USA! I can't stand his stuff, and do not like this type of porn, but in this case freedom is more important to my mind. I just do not watch when I do not like something.

In Russia they were about to ban SouthPark cartoon, but it was just a lawsuit from protestant community who thought their "feelings were offended"... And the cartoon is still on the screen, it is not banned. There were some indignation meetings to protect TV-channel from all that accusations...

Also, there also were protests against anti-pornography law in Indonesia not so many days ago... At least they fight for their freedom of choice! Does anybody know about demonstrations in defence of MH?
I haven't seen any of Max Hardcore's videos and I'm not into the type of porn he did but it looks like the anti-porn morons are getting what they want, there should be more pro-porn groups out there to combat these morons. I mean these anti-porn groups have illegal types of porn on their agenda but they want to include the legal types of porn (hidden agenda). If I started a pro-porn group I will make sure that the legal types of porn stays legal while the illegal types of porn stays illegal, I hope that all porn fans out there wants to makes sure that the illegal kinds of porn are banned and taken offline. It is the illegal kinds of porn that gives porn a bad name and it's these kinds of porn that should be taken down and not the legal kinds of porn. I wouldn't be surprised that the jury were all religious anti-porn morons and they will most likely be the jury if another porn site is taken down?
Anti-porn groups claim that they care about the people in the industry by saying they want to help them but really they don't give a toss about them at all. Why else do they wait for a porn star to have problems first and wait for the problems to become so bad that she or he has no self esteem so it makes it easiler for them to convert that star by reaching out to them to "help" them?


persona non grata
I don´t know why people are shouting about his right are being trampled upon. As i understand it he was charged with selling european versions of his movies in Florida. By doing that he broke the law since these versions included acts that´s illegal in the US. They didn´t just make up some new laws so they could put Max Hardcore in jail, these laws have been there for a long time. You might think that the laws themself are wrong but there have to be a line somewhere for things that you can´t show and in the US i guess they draw the line with urinating on people. Personally i think the US laws are way to strict but i would rather have that than the kind of laws there are in other countries. In some european countries are bestiality legal for example, which is totally fucked up. Bestiality is not consensual porn and should be treated like child pornography.


Hiliary 2020
man I searched for a half hour trying to find out about the laws he aledgedly broke, couldn't find anything.
without knowing those laws i cannot make a clear analysis.
the best article I could find on the matter was here at avn news.

I think these obsenity laws are probably very poorly written and are subject to mostly interpretation, which is not a good thing.
it seems they got him on sending solicitations via email and postal mail. if thats the case they should either ban advertising adult stuff completely legal or illegal to avoid messes like this.
what could be next, bangbros? playboy? mad magazine? how about 17 magazine, it depicts overage girls in an underage manner, could be obscene to some.
not good.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
man I searched for a half hour trying to find out about the laws he aledgedly broke, couldn't find anything.
without knowing those laws i cannot make a clear analysis.
the best article I could find on the matter was here at avn news.

I think these obsenity laws are probably very poorly written and are subject to mostly interpretation, which is not a good thing.
it seems they got him on sending solicitations via email and postal mail. if thats the case they should either ban advertising adult stuff completely legal or illegal to avoid messes like this.
what could be next, bangbros? playboy? mad magazine? how about 17 magazine, it depicts overage girls in an underage manner, could be obscene to some.
not good.

I've always wondered why that is legal. If I made a realistic looking, robotic dog and paid girls to get fucked by it, just so I can "imitate" beastiality, I'm sure that the US government wouldn't be too happy with it and find a way to put me in jail...even though it wasn't REALLY a dog.

Hiring girls to purposely act like 16 year olds that are in high school isn't any different, IMO.

Will E Worm

how about 17 magazine, it depicts overage girls in an underage manner, could be obscene to some.
not good.

They would never go after a "wholesome" magazine like that.

You can sexualize underage girls as long as they aren't entirely nude.

But, then again they can be semi-nude like Miley Cyrus.

Also, they can be fake raped and semi-nude in a movie like, Dakota Fanning.

Or, entirely nude like Brooke shields was in Pretty Baby.
Because as we all should know a movie makes it "art".

I'm tired of the hypocrisy.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Or, entirely nude like Brooke Shields was in Pretty Baby.
Because as we all should know a movie makes it "art".

I'm tired of the hypocrisy.

she was totally nude in blue lagoon, and she was underage then.
It won't be long until we have to have the "privelage" to use the internet all together. Kind of like a driver's license, but...for computers. That way, underaged kids couldn't access inappropriate sites, etc.

My dad is a computer specialist for Homeland Security and he's mentioned that the government plans on controlling our internet access at some point. Whether it actually happens or not, it's a shitty thing to think about.

You have never had any constitutional right regarding access to the Internet, so quit whining and crying like one is being taken away when it quite obviously isn't.

It is exactly like being able to drive, it's a privilege, not a fundamental right.

As for Max Hardcore, boo-fucking-hoo. It couldn't happen to a scummier, more misogynistic guy, unless Rob Black and Gregory Dark managed to sew their bodies together.

Hardcore is and always will be, gutter scum filth who has serious issues of misgoyny that need to be dealt with.


Staff member
He was borderline with women, he harmed Neesa real bad. I think that when you go over the top, you get caught by your own acts a day or another, none escapes to the law.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You have never had any constitutional right regarding access to the Internet, so quit whining and crying like one is being taken away when it quite obviously isn't.

Where was I crying and whining? Point that part out to me.

Try again.
Where specifically in the Constitution is the Internet mentioned?

Where specifically is any specific form of free-speech mentioned in the Constitution?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Where does it mention TV, radio, protesting with white poster board signs, scribbling our beliefs on our t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc? It doesn't. Just like the internet, it's not specifically mentioned, but it still falls into the category of "freedom of speech".