

No seriously though, you are a cop right?

Get away man, I don't know nothing about no drugs.

You planted that shit there. Seriously. It was like this when I got here. I'm just holding it for a friend.
So you're Dutch and you don't smoke? That's a shame. :(

I drink alcohol once in a while & I smoke tobacco. I really don't see the need (anymore) to smoke marijuana... Back when I was a kid I thought it was cool, now i think it's a waste of money, as I really enjoy being drunk every once in a while much more...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I used to, but I'm subject to randoms. I miss it though. I would rather spark up a fatty, then drink a few beers....but what you gonna do, I gotta work.
every day baby. what you know about the cali chronic. california C A all day baby.
1904 fo life
sittin on some super silver haze that sour grape and some krypt that'll put ya in it

can someone please send in the translator? I don't speak stonerish.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I cannot smoke pot since it is illegal and to risk going to jail and losing my job is just not worth it. However, if pot was legal, I would unquestionably be a regular recreational user (weekends, etc). It's a very introspective high that really makes you examine and analyze the most trivial things about life in a whole new light. Maybe someday it will be legal and we can all partake without fear of retribution.
to be 100% honest, Pot is something that I like to do on occasion and it can enhance a special moment. Sometimes me and my friends go on hikes and being with people you love out in nature seems like the perfect moment to me.

I know what my limit is and I haven't gotten anywhere near it in years. Getting totally wasted is stupid to me, I don't need to get out of control. Also going back to what I originally said, getting high all the time (I'd say more than once a week, but more than once a day definitely falls into that category) is pointless because then it's just something that you do normally, and it isn't special anymore. If I never smoked pot again I would be perfectly fine with that. People who constantly smoke almost always live up to the negative stereotypes and I don't really respect or want to be around people like that for the most part.
most every day for over 30 years. only after work, usually at night to relax
most every day for over 30 years. only after work, usually at night to relax

I've smoked pot every day for over 40 years, also after work and at night. I forget what else I was going to say. :yinyang:
I've smoked pot every day for over 40 years, also after work and at night. I forget what else I was going to say. :yinyang:


my job requires creativity. at night i like to sit back and toke, then introspect and reflect, letting my mind roam around. almost all of my best stories, articles and commercials came after i was stoned. the creative juices flow, i sleep on it and then in the morning i am ready to put them either to paper or video. it's been a very successful method for me.


Closed Account
While in the Army. Yeah...go figure. But eeewww. I had such weird things going on in my head. If there were some way to get pictures and insights, connections, like that, without having to suck in some smoke to be part of the group, wouldn't that be cool? Plus the ex boyfriend of the babe who used to sing with me for gigs only really got happy after he smoked. The rest of the time he was a miserable, dangerous sod.

Everybody hates me 'cos I'm paranoid.


Hiliary 2020
You all oughta be in a vocational school, learnin a trade!

I smoked from age 14 to about 20.
I think in those 6 years there might have only been 2 weeks when I had none.
I was a burnout surfer.
Jeff Spicolli was my mentor.
We even had a van.

then it just didn't do anything but make me feel paranoid after that, so i stopped.
I wish I never did however.
I would have had the same fun either way.


Closed Account
currently my intake of weed, cigarettes and alcohol is way to much. i drink alcohol every night, and on my days off i am always drunk at night, and i smoke about 6-7 smokes a day and i am usually stoned out of my mind at least once a week sometimes twice a week

i have also done meth, mushrooms, and i came quite close to doing cocaine one time
Ya people need to understand that weed is safer than alcohol. Can you overdose on weed? No. Can you overdose on alcohol? Yes.

Anyway, how much do you guys pay for your shit? I live in Ontario and it costs $180 (CDN dollars) for an ounce on average. I heard of people in the states paying up to $400 (US dollars) for ounces. That is craaaaaaziness.