is there only one picture of Jana in her black dress?
hi guys is fake this video, byethereby stop tonight you tube , i think this is more false that i have seen , more false than the "official trailer dawn of justice" lol
and is posted on facebook
happy new year and all fans of jana , and of course my love jana :3
Hate to double post but I was looking around the net and found this picture.
It made me wonder about the blog pictures that were teasers to other future sets at one time. I checked the ones I had and I didn't find that particular one.
Which leads me to ask, do you guys think we'll ever get to see those unreleased sets from her janaglam site?
I find the sepia tone really makes her pop in this old MCN vid.
Michael Sidereal on flickr
Very nice...too bad you can't download these videos from his flickr account:
This is worth it to register on this site?