Manson follower faces parole board


Hiliary 2020

so, should she be sprung?

from wiki:
On the night of August 10, 1969, Manson drove Van Houten, Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Steve Grogan, and Linda Kasabian to an address in Los Feliz, the home of Rosemary and Leno LaBianca. Manson entered the house with Watson and handed him the ropes around his neck; he then left the house, instructing Krenwinkel and Van Houten to go inside and join Watson. The house had previously been cased in a process they called "creepy-crawling."

Krenwinkel and Van Houten found Rosemary LaBianca in a bedroom, to which she had retired while her husband had fallen asleep while reading in the living room. Van Houten put a pillowcase over Rosemary LaBianca's head, and the two women tied the electrical cord from a lamp around her neck. LaBianca started struggling; meanwhile, her husband, who had been tied up in the living room, started screaming as Watson began stabbing him. Rosemary grabbed the lamp and swung it at Van Houten, who fought with her and knocked the lamp away. Van Houten then held LaBianca down while Krenwinkel tried to stab her in the chest, but the blade bent on LaBianca's clavicle. Van Houten called for assistance from Watson, who entered the bedroom and took charge. Van Houten exited the room and stood in the hallway, staring into an adjacent empty room.

Watson then stabbed Rosemary LaBianca several times, found Van Houten, handed her the knife, and told her to "do something."[1] Van Houten proceeded to stab Rosemary 16 times in the lower torso. The autopsy showed that several of the wounds had been inflicted post-mortem. Van Houten then wiped the premises down for fingerprints, changed into LaBianca's clothes, and took food from the refrigerator before leaving the house.


Postal Paranoiac
What the hell...let her go. What is she...75? Now that's a threat to society!'ll open up a cell for a younger bloodthirsty killer.
hell with it..we been feeding murders for a long time..feed her a little longer...they should have swung her along with the rest of that clan...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Everyone knows it was Paul's fault. Yeah. Sure. The song was about an amusement park ride.
Sure, Paul. Sure.
Isn't prison meant to rehabilitate people? So if they have apologized and have actually shown they can be a good, productive, non-violent member of society, why shouldn't they be released? I do understand this was a pretty horrific crime, though, and if I knew someone that was a victim in a crime such as this, I'd probably feel a lot differently
I doubt she gets paroled. Susan Atkins has a terminal disease and married and they wouldnt let her out.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Fuck her, let her rot. Better yet, get someone to stab her a few times. Then hand the knife to someone else to finish her off by stabbing her 16 more times.

I don't want to hear any bullshit about how she's reformed. I don't want to hear any bullshit about how she was brainwashed. She took part in the murders and she deserves to suffer for the rest of her miserable life. I hope the bitch dies in jail.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I wanna know why my man Charlie can't catch a break?! Let me ask ya, who did he kill? Nobody, that's who! Geez, it's gettin' so a man can't form a crazed cult anymore. I mean, if your kooky followers happen to misunderstand your orders, and off a few people, you're screwed for life. And God forbid you accidentally get a swastika tattooed on your forehead. Oh yeah. Try gettin' paroled with a swastika on your head.

Free Charlie! Free Charlie! Free Charlie!!!


Hiliary 2020
its a tough call.
obviously she is no threat to anybody.
but she did kill for no reason.
so its now and has been for some time about punishment.

but to defend her, she was a kid at the time.
she was a follower, not a leader.
she was wasted on acid.
in the heat of the moment she had people yelling at her "do it, stab her".
she really screwed up, once.

she's done 40 years now, her life was wasted.
I feel she has been regretful for most of those 40, for what she did to that woman.

that plus equal justice, repeat, violent offenders/murderers do less time very often.
on the other hand, she stabbed an innocent woman to death although it is possible she was already dead.
either way she took part in the murders.
also, during trial how she and the other girls laughed and acted so cold.
i wonder how many years in jail it was before they realized the feeling of regret.

I say spring her.


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I don't care either way. Her youth has been wasted away by her 40 year sentence. That's plenty punishment considering how hot she was back in the day.