Well. All I can say is I thought Manny was "crazy like a fox" in terms of maybe thinking he wasn't a dumbshit like most people thought he was. I've seen him make AMAZINGLY difficult catches in left field only to turn around and do that stupid "dive for the cutoff throw" or the catch where he drops the ball, trips and rolls all over the field like a mutt rollin' around in poop.
For him to get pinched like this--in the middle of the Steroid Cloud--is beyond moronic.
Or....what he did was what any American would do....cheat to get ahead in life. At the Macro Level--what Manny did, cheat to get that $20Mil--seems small potatoes to the Real Estate Sham Bubble of inflated home prices, corrupt bankers and brokers authorizing unprepared homeowners and walking away with commissions before the market crashed, and Bernie Madoff...
Basically...Steroids in Baseball seems to me nothing more than a "micro" version of the American Scam....all of these baseball and NFL stars that get pinched for Roids are doing it purely for greed.
Albert Pujols, Zach Grienke, Big Papi Ortiz, all of these players have done or are doing Roids right now. Big Papi was Hall of Fame-esque during the 2004-2007 seasons and now he can't hit? He's just 2 years into his down juice cycle because he wants to "protect his Hall of Fame Credentials" and if Papi starts juicing again, the Boston Media will eat him alive. Hell, the Boston Media might start snooping around Papi's Dominican offseason training regime...
The NFL has a similar banned substance problem with roids and HGH (Shawn Merrimen anyone?) it's just the players doing Roids are normally noname OLine or Dline players trying to earn that contract.
Maybe there needs to be a country somewhere that starts a Pro League in some sport and allows for ALL DRUG USE by players so we can see Roided Out Circus Freaks hit baseballs a mile, and LSD dropping hopheads pass out midgame....let's create an actual "playground" for these circus freaks to amuse us in...:thumbsup: