What is reputation?
Reputation is a way of rating users depending on the quality of their posts.
Reputation may be positive, negative, or neutral. Neutral reputation is only given when the person giving reputation does not meet the criteria set by the administrator to affect someone else's reputation.
How do I give reputation?
To give reputation, click on the reputation icon in the relevant post. This will reveal a form to complete with the reputation type and the reason for giving the reputation. You may not give reputation for the same post twice.
How do I know what reputation I have received?
You can view the reputation that you have received in your User CP (User Control Panel) where it is displayed at the bottom of the User CP page. Here you will see the latest reputation that you have received and whether this is positive, negative or neutral. Your total reputation will be shown as series of reputation indicators in your posts and profile. The more positive your reputation, the more positive icons will be shown. The more negative your reputation the more negative icons will be shown.
How much reputation is given? What is reputation power?
The amount of reputation that each user will give (or take away if negative) is shown in the user's posts as 'Reputation Power'. The value of reputation will increase over time as you get more reputation.
The original purpose of the system was to allow members to reward other members for posting good links, insightful comments or just a "pat on the back." However, the system has become, for many, a simple way to say "hello" or hand out reputation in a random manner (a "rep bump"). As such, there may be members that:
1.) Take reputation very seriously and gives/takes only when deemed necessary/worthy
2.) Gives reputation just to be friendly or hope to get reputation back (collectors)
3.) Could care less about the system
4.) All or some of the above
To that end, the reputation system does not signify the importance, credibility or respect level of a member.
Why did someone give me negative reputation?
If you received negative reputation, there may very well be a solid reason. There also may not be a reason that you can perceive. This is a part of life on this message board. Don't let negative reputation affect your participation, unless of course you realize that the negative reputation was for a legitimate reason and you need to stop your behavior (such as rule violations).
For more information, please read the Reputation System Thread.
What constitutes abuse of the reputation sytem?
If someone simply disagrees with you or wants to point out that your post is breaking the rules, this does not constitute as abuse of Reputation. However, if someone is using it to threaten or harass you, please alert a moderator.
What if I don't want anyone to see my reputation?
You can disable the display of your reputation by going to your User CP and selecting Edit Options. On this page you will find a check box labelled 'Show Your Reputation Level'. Un-checking this box will remove the display of your reputation and replace it with the Reputation Disabled icon. You can still give and receive reputation while your reputation display is disabled.
Does reputation do anything else?
Yes! You can earn FreeOnes Credits when you earn positive reputation! Don't worry, if you get negative reputation, the system will not touch your current FreeOnes Credits!
First 50 reputation = 100 FreeOnes credits
Every 50 reputation until 250 = 100 FreeOnes credits
250 reputation = 250 FreeOnes credits (one time only)
Every 250 reputation after the initial 250 = 200 FreeOnes credits**
**Please note there is a limit on how many FreeOnes credits you can earn from reputation. Once you reach this limit, you will not receive anymore credits via reputation