We had scoop ice cream there too! Closer than you thought!
Funny you should mention that....There WERE guys who just ordered to get me to deliver it! And guys who would come in and wait around for their pizza to be made hoping I'd hang out at the tables with them
I many times would deliver a pizza that costs $16 and get a $20 tip!
Some of those guys who were regulars would lose their fucking minds if they found out what I'm doing now! LOL Shit, I started slangin' panties less than a year later
Probably could have sold a lot of em!
I was thinking about buying one of these Bikini espresso stands up here and working it once a week and hire some hot chics, but man, they are a police trap, and the old ladys and soccer moms just can't mind their own business..... another one of those stands is in the news for the girls going too far with their little shows!
I knew there had to be guys that would just come in for some pizza, and then once they realized you worked there, would come more for you, Mandy

I bet the pizza place wishes you still worked there, unless they managed to get another girl of your qualities

And seeing as how you were getting $20 tips on $16 pizzas, I think you could have sold alotta panties

So, did you scoop the ice cream too? Probably lots of orders for 2 scoops, right?
As to buying a Bikini espresso stand, that might fly alittle better say in California, Hawaii, or Florida, where it's warmer (though I can see the benefit of it being cold

) and near the beach, and maybe less of the espresso, more of like ice cream, frozen yogurt, flavored ice, etc, to help with the heat. Though, in those settings, pretty much every girl is in a bikini, so you don't stand out as much. College towns might make for a good venue (plenty of girls to work the stand and there shouldn't be the old ladies and soccer moms to cause you problems, plus you would have big crowds for gamedays), or you may need to take more of a Hooters approach (and the approach of the topless steakhouses every 10 miles along the Interstate here in GA), and have a building with the potentially objectionable content inside, while still advertising what is inside. That way it's not out in the open to be quite the target, and if any one comes in, they knew what they're gonna get. And you can even institute a policy of 18 and older only, so if things go 'too far' with the shows, it's not like kids saw it. (That's sorta like that 'Seinfeld' episode where Jerry and Kramer's Dentist puts out adult magazines in the waiting room to help his patients relax and institutes an 'adults only' policy.) Or, heck, you may still be able to get away with an outdoor stand if you had a tent with sides, and a little dogleg entrance so people had to turn a corner or two before they saw anything. It'd be cheaper than buying a building and portable too so you can move to better places depending on where the crowds are (or run from the law), and you could have a logo all over the outside so everyone still knows what it is, and maybe even a few girls outside to draw in the crowds for the better stuff inside. And if business is good enough, you can more easily get more or bigger tents than more or bigger buildings.