
Works for panties
[B][URL=" said:
Mandy Flores[/URL][/B], post: 7250659, member: 550820"]Thanks Ban! They still haven't put those vids in my babe section yet. Oh well.

You're welcome, Mandy. Sexy Mandy Flores strips and gets herself off in her Bedroom was up this morning, and had 3791 views and climbing. It was also on the homepage. Probably went up after you logged off. And I'm sure the others will follow soon. It's a good strip tease too, and a good song to go with it.

[B][URL=" said:
Mandy Flores[/URL][/B], post: 7250659, member: 550820"]looks like Briana is pulling away with it in the OCSM, She desrves it, she's very active on here. :) See ya again soon!

Nobody's won or lost yet. She's only up by 4, I think. (My early morning math beyond jitna's previous count.) You were up by 4, and then she and Miss Hybrid came storming back as all three of you were neck-and-neck from 6/7 to 10. The contest isn't over until midnight Sunday night/Mandy morning. (I realized the typo, but I thought you might appreciate that I apparently had Mandy on the brain) You've still got time. Anybody can win.
Miss Mandy, I hope you've had a great Christmas and have a lovely new year. I especially hope you've had chance for plenty of naughty time, I personally can't imagine any kind of holiday or celebration without some!!
You're welcome, Mandy. Sexy Mandy Flores strips and gets herself off in her Bedroom was up this morning, and had 3791 views and climbing. It was also on the homepage. Probably went up after you logged off. And I'm sure the others will follow soon. It's a good strip tease too, and a good song to go with it.

That delightful video has just surpassed 10,000 views so that's more like it. The rest of the videos should be surfacing soon and then appear on your profile page where they can continue to be enjoyed. Looking forward to the next batch Mandy :)

Also, keep up the great work ban-one. If you don't serve as an inspiration for Mandy's videos, I believe you should. You have an appreciation for them that should attract many others to check them out and get hooked.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Miss Mandy, I hope you've had a great Christmas and have a lovely new year. I especially hope you've had chance for plenty of naughty time, I personally can't imagine any kind of holiday or celebration without some!!

well lots of family over and (unless you have been watching my "brother" videos) not too much naughty time with Mom and Grandma! LOL

Thank you though, and happy New Year!

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
You're welcome, Mandy. Sexy Mandy Flores strips and gets herself off in her Bedroom was up this morning, and had 3791 views and climbing. It was also on the homepage. Probably went up after you logged off. And I'm sure the others will follow soon. It's a good strip tease too, and a good song to go with it.

Nobody's won or lost yet. She's only up by 4, I think. (My early morning math beyond jitna's previous count.) You were up by 4, and then she and Miss Hybrid came storming back as all three of you were neck-and-neck from 6/7 to 10. The contest isn't over until midnight Sunday night/Mandy morning. (I realized the typo, but I thought you might appreciate that I apparently had Mandy on the brain) You've still got time. Anybody can win.

Thank you Ban-one for all the updates!! Sometimes I have so many emails, web work, scripts, filming, site updates, and so on and so on....I never seem to get around to I appreciate the info very much!

Just finishing up the full set that the Pregnancy picture is from LOL That is too much fun! My inbox here at freeones was crazy!! :)

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
That delightful video has just surpassed 10,000 views so that's more like it. The rest of the videos should be surfacing soon and then appear on your profile page where they can continue to be enjoyed. Looking forward to the next batch Mandy :)

Also, keep up the great work ban-one. If you don't serve as an inspiration for Mandy's videos, I believe you should. You have an appreciation for them that should attract many others to check them out and get hooked.

Amazing!! Thank you Al. Been a busy morning. Thank you for all the positive feedback on those videos :) You are awesome!


Works for panties
Thank you Ban-one for all the updates!! Sometimes I have so many emails, web work, scripts, filming, site updates, and so on and so on....I never seem to get around to I appreciate the info very much!

Just finishing up the full set that the Pregnancy picture is from LOL That is too much fun! My inbox here at freeones was crazy!! :)

You're welcome, Mandy, I know you're a busy girl, who perhaps needs an assistant? (There's no good way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it. That's intended to be more of a helpful suggestion, as an assistant would be able to handle some things for you and free up time for you to do more important things, and that while I'm not volunteering nor asking for a job, I would consider if asked. I mean who wouldn't atleast think about it?)

And I can't wait to see the rest of that set. :)

That delightful video has just surpassed 10,000 views so that's more like it. The rest of the videos should be surfacing soon and then appear on your profile page where they can continue to be enjoyed. Looking forward to the next batch Mandy :)

Also, keep up the great work ban-one. If you don't serve as an inspiration for Mandy's videos, I believe you should. You have an appreciation for them that should attract many others to check them out and get hooked.

It's up to 12,577 views now, and still climbing. And I'm not sure if it's just because I'm tired (and have a bit of a headache) after visiting with family that's come down from upstate (belated Christmas of sorts), but I'm not following what you're intending to say here about being an inspiration for Mandy's videos, or how my appreciation for them should attract others to see them to get hooked.
You're welcome, Mandy, I know you're a busy girl, who perhaps needs an assistant? (There's no good way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it. That's intended to be more of a helpful suggestion, as an assistant would be able to handle some things for you and free up time for you to do more important things, and that while I'm not volunteering nor asking for a job, I would consider if asked. I mean who wouldn't atleast think about it?)

And I can't wait to see the rest of that set. :)

It's up to 12,577 views now, and still climbing. And I'm not sure if it's just because I'm tired (and have a bit of a headache) after visiting with family that's come down from upstate (belated Christmas of sorts), but I'm not following what you're intending to say here about being an inspiration for Mandy's videos, or how my appreciation for them should attract others to see them to get hooked.

Sorry ban-one, sometimes I type things that probably don't make as much sense as they do in my head. I just was trying to say that I think that by showing your support for Mandy And her videos is a great way to get other people to give Mandy A look if they are perhaps checking her out for the first time. As you and she have both noted, her videos are not only very sexy but there is personality and even some surprises that I feel make her videos even more enjoyable to watch. As far as inspiration is concerned, I mean it in the sense of your interactions with her and the respect and adoration you show her. I think it is safe to say Mandy loves her fans and by being one, she spoils us with the content you, I and others have come to love and anticipate.

Or if you want to skip all that if it makes no sense, I can kind of sum it up through personal experience. I took a liking to Mandy After reading a few posts from members. I saw her pictures and her videos and they are all kinds of fantastic, but I was curious and excited at the prospect of being able to tell Mandy how much I like her work and having her respond. Heck, if she can tolerate me then she can handle anyone.

Sorry I also tend to ramble. Mandy feel free to push this post forward up the page with some more lovely pictures if you please :)
well lots of family over and (unless you have been watching my "brother" videos) not too much naughty time with Mom and Grandma! LOL

Thank you though, and happy New Year!

I have, in fact, seen your brother videos. Personally I think your masturbation squirting videos are hotter. :rubbel:


Works for panties
Sorry ban-one, sometimes I type things that probably don't make as much sense as they do in my head. I just was trying to say that I think that by showing your support for Mandy and her videos is a great way to get other people to give Mandy a look if they are perhaps checking her out for the first time. As you and she have both noted, her videos are not only very sexy but there is personality and even some surprises that I feel make her videos even more enjoyable to watch. As far as inspiration is concerned, I mean it in the sense of your interactions with her and the respect and adoration you show her. I think it is safe to say Mandy loves her fans and by being one, she spoils us with the content you, I and others have come to love and anticipate.

Or if you want to skip all that if it makes no sense, I can kind of sum it up through personal experience. I took a liking to Mandy after reading a few posts from members. I saw her pictures and her videos and they are all kinds of fantastic, but I was curious and excited at the prospect of being able to tell Mandy how much I like her work and having her respond. Heck, if she can tolerate me then she can handle anyone.

Sorry I also tend to ramble. Mandy feel free to push this post forward up the page with some more lovely pictures if you please :)

Okay, good night's sleep, no headache, and a more detailed explanation. I follow you now.

Our interaction with Miss Mandy, giving feedback and showing our infatuation with her, tells her she's doing a good job, and inspires her to keep up the good work as her time and efforts are not being wasted, beyond just what her sales figures and requests for shoots tell her. Also, this same interaction with her gives others who haven't seen her yet and are curious, a sort of... insight into her and her work from those of us who are fans and have seen what she truly has to offer, while also offering an extra experience to fans beyond just looking at her pictures or watching her videos, allowing them to talk with her and not just to her, an important distinction.

I agree with you that Mandy loves her fans and spoils us, but I also think the feeling and spoilage are mutual. Heck, mine and MrSStiffy's sigs (both that she said things in appreciation of us, and the fact we display them for all to see), that edit I did for her of the Uncle Sam poster and the fact I throw in a 'Miss' every now and then, everything Mandy's given us here on this thread and the others about her (like 'Mandy Flores vs. Catie Minx' and 'poll : Mandy Flores and her greatness. what do you think ?!,' both of which also show the adoration for her), the fact that for a good part of the OOTW of the Year, Mandy was in the lead, and now is 1 vote shy of tying Briana and 2 from the lead again, and her sticking with us for so long are proof that the feelings of love and appreciation are very much mutual.

I can certainly understand your personal experience, because it was sorta the same way with me, only the other way around. I found her pictures first (on the Freeones' homepage), liked the way she looked, went to her page, looked at more of the pictures here at Freeones, and also the pics and videos she had as teasers on her site. Then I found this thread, and that added a whole extra dimension to her, because she was wanting to interact with her fans. Even if it did take me a little while to post anything here, I'm here now, and that's the important thing.

Now you've gone and made me ramble a bit too. And I second the request for you to adorn this thread with more of your loveliness, Miss Mandy. :) (I would do it again, but really, it's just not the same.)

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member

You really are an inspiration and I am very flattered by all that you have said, and all you have done....thank you very much.

I am working on quite a few things at the moment and will be gracing this page with some brand new, not seen anywhere else Mandyness! In the mean time I'll throw a few out here just to keep the thread from looking like it's all text! lol :)

Thanks again for your help at the OCSM of the week thread. I'll repond more directly to the rest of you, later today :)

Happy New Year!

I look really funny in this first pic, but this guy was pan handling and I had to do it!



