Man sniffing gasoline tasered & bursts into flames

If there is a hell, I'm going there for laughing at this so hard.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Police are getting so out of control.I live in philly and its just so amazing what we or the media knows about if you catch someone you can imagine how much you didnt catch them. Also nyc had a case with a naked guy on a ledge obvisously mentally ill and it was clear if tasered hed fall.But they tasered him an he fell on his head brain dead and the cops are called heroes.Cmon now i support the police but what happened to real criminals being in prison.I was in prison and most the people in werent rapists murders or robbers.Its maily non violent drug addicts.

If a person shows hostile intent the police may use force to apprehend the suspect. Even an out of shape suspect can cover twenty feet pretty quickly so the police used what force they deemed necessary.

If every person were under surveillance 24/7 there would probably be sufficient cause to arrest them for something. I got the gist of your post but its so garbled and incoherent that I got a headache trying to read between the run-on sentences, grammatical errors and misspelling.

The police are most definitely not out of control. Most departments of any size has oversight of some sort to catch professional malfeasance. Back in the 1960's before the Miranda ruling police officers were less culpable for their actions and could quite literally get away with murder. As things are now an officer has to spend more time processing violators and doing administrative duties than actually patrolling their beats. That's probably a bit of an eggsageration but the point is for every arrest made the officers involved must cross every T and dot every I to ensure that the offender is booked properly and that evidence is catalogued properly.

The truth is most offenders have infinitely more rights than the police who are supposed to protect society. Sure there are some bad apples but you can find that in every field of endeavor, not just the police who happen to make a handy target for people who do stupid things and get caught.

As to the crispy critter in the story, I sympathize with his pain and I think the plight of the aborigines is awful but he deserved what he got.
Police are getting so out of control.I live in Philly and its just so amazing what we or the media knows about.If you catch someone you can imagine how much you didn't catch them.Also NYC had a case with a naked guy on a ledge obviously mentally ill and it was clear if tasered he'd fall.But they tasered him an he fell on his head brain dead and the cops are called heroes.Cmon now i support the police but what happened to real criminals being in prison.I was in prison and most the people in weren't rapists murders or robbers.Its mainly non violent drug addicts.


Please re-learn how to use the space bar on your keyboard. Always remember to add a space after a period at the end of each sentence.
I wasn't referring to the combustibility of gasoline- as you know it's actually the vapor of gasoline that is combustible more than the liquid, but gasoline evaporates at near room temperature; I assumed that it was the container that was the ignition point. It could be difficult to ignite clothing soaked in gasoline just from a spark, because of the open-air ventilation.

My doubts were about the taser's electric current igniting the gas. I just don't see how it could have a strong enough current pass through his body to the container. What blake said makes sense about the lighter, but the same thing applies.

The only thing that I can think of is that maybe the electric current struck the lighter before it passed through the man's body, sparking the lighter setting the gas can on fire and spreading to his soaked body.

Any way, it's bad luck on that guy.

Don't try this at home, kids.

I don't think it's so much the electric current igniting the gasoline as it is the temperature of the sparks. I remember reading somewhere that a spark can be as hot as 2,000 degrees, but we don't feel it on the skin because it's so small and short lived (kind of sounds like my sex life :(), but I'm sure that a 2,000 degree spark could ignite gasoline vapor like a charm.

Maybe MiniD can help us out on this one. :helpme:


Watch the Aussie authorities now ban tasers altogether on the basis of them having the capacity to ignite human subjects sniffing gasoline. :p :1orglaugh


I so hope this storys true , this will defo win that award that gets given for the stupidest death every year , mark my words No1
poor guy :( - sounds like he is mentally ill

"Out where the river broke - the bloodwood and the desert oak - holden wrecks and boiling diesels ...."

" do we sleep while our beds are burning..."

sad irony

Apparently the officer did all he could to help after he realized what had happened.

(But if he risked himself to throw the suspect to the ground after he was engulfed in flame, couldn't he have taken the risk to throw him to the ground before? :dunno:)
Watch the Aussie authorities now ban tasers altogether on the basis of them having the capacity to ignite human subjects sniffing gasoline. :p :1orglaugh

Most states and territories in Australia are just starting to use tasers, mace sometimes isn’t effective, and shooting is to lethal.
How the fuck can they win?:confused: