male pornstars comments about job

i would love to hear some of the comments that the male porn stars have to say about there job in general and some of the girls that they work with.
Oh, they say stuff like, "Another fuck, another dollar" and "It sure is HARD sometimes" and "I love my fucking job" and "You can take this job and shove it" and "Fucking is the hardest part of my job".
You should ask Xaru I am pretty sure he is working in the porn business.
There is a user named ibangpornstars who comes on sometimes. He runs a site which is advertised through Freeones. Apparently he is actually the guy who fucks the pornstars. From what I've read he thinks it is the greatest thing in the world!
i mean, fuckin so much... that's gotta hurt, mate!

i guess you also lose your sense of lust.

There isn't a job in the world that will make me lose my lust. Trust me. I was looking up skirts in Kindegarten, which actually may explain a lot. Like seriously.
I'm sure a huge percentage of guys would love to be pornstars, but apparently it's a lot of hard work and its quite hard to "maintain wood" in front of all those people!
I'm sure a huge percentage of guys would love to be pornstars, but apparently it's a lot of hard work and its quite hard to "maintain wood" in front of all those people!

That would be my only problem. If I could just pop a pill, it'd be great.

Director: "We need you to eat ass and get peed on today"

Me: 'Life is good"
It's hardly a job. God gave us sex for an obvious reason, not for a sport.

You know I wonder with all the righteousness you spew what are you doing on a porn related forum in the first place?
It's one of those jobs where it's not nearly as great as a lot of people think it is. Even if I was ever willing to have sex on camera, which I'm not, there is a lot more that would make me never want to be a male adult film star than to be one. That isn't even counting being around all the other potential co-workers I wouldn’t want to touch with a ten foot pole.