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Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
To all of you Trumpistas or non. I have been confused by the MAGA slogan since it began. I want options or facts if there are any of When Exactly was America Great. and when exactly did it stop. What time are you wanting to go back to? perhaps 1930 before all this government give outs started. Welfare, Social Security, etc. Or maybe 1955 when the middle class was doing fairly well and work was usually available. 1962 before the pesky Voting rights act started or the Civil Rights act. What do you think or know?
MAGA is a slogan created by a monster to fool desperate people into giving him the authority to rob them blind and allow his true masters to run amok.
Unfortunately our choice for a replacement is not much better.
Until the Dems stop pushing their worthless candidates the GOP and their disgusting wretch candidates will still barely twitch.
If McConnell and Trump are out I will sleep better at night.
Wish someone would start an expose on Duane Feinstein and her husband two of the most corrupt and dirty people in our history.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
But although I agree with what you say as all Politicians are corrupt to some extent I feel that there must be some time period that the Trumpistas want to return to before all the things that make them so mad happened, or at least they think was before these things happened. IE Transgender stuff, Abortion , Government programs, something has set these folks off.
But although I agree with what you say as all Politicians are corrupt to some extent I feel that there must be some time period that the Trumpistas want to return to before all the things that make them so mad happened, or at least they think was before these things happened. IE Transgender stuff, Abortion , Government programs, something has set these folks off.
Boredom, lack of openness to conflicting views points, herd mentality.
Still cannot fathom how the orange ghoul convinced all these middle class people he’s one of them.
Just mind boggling.
I think they'd be fine with just going back to the time when the idea of a black (or female) president could be laughed off as a liberal fever dream. It was when Obama came into office that the republican party really lost it's collective mind and went from mostly conservative to almost entirely radical fanatics with the tea party takeover.
Still cannot fathom how the orange ghoul convinced all these middle class people he’s one of them.
Just mind boggling.

That does crack me up. trump is the diametric opposite of every principle they ever claimed to hold dear, but they've turned him into a god. Imagine how weak you must be to idolize him as an alpha???

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
I think they'd be fine with just going back to the time when the idea of a black (or female) president could be laughed off as a liberal fever dream. It was when Obama came into office that the republican party really lost it's collective mind and went from mostly conservative to almost entirely radical fanatics with the tea party takeover.
Although the Democratic party has gone a long way away from it's core beliefs far enough to cause issues for many people. Dems are too divided to have a cult l9ike thye Trump party though.
I'm not in love with the dems, not by a long shot. But they are sane, and some of them are honest and decent. I don't believe the same of the republican party.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
I'm not in love with the dems, not by a long shot. But they are sane, and some of them are honest and decent. I don't believe the same of the republican party.
I agree. Mostly sane anyway. The Trumpistas are in trouble though. To Paraphrase Ben Franklin" They must hang together now, otherwise they will surely hang separately"
Here's a good example of republicans at work. Republican senators have stripped a provision from the Intelligence Authorization Act that would require presidential campaigns to report offers of foreign assistance.

Who is that designed to help? And how does it help America?


Closed Account
  • Back to the time before the current Democrat Treason Pandemic.
  • Before Democrats' current putting of Central America and Mexico Caravans of migrants, unaccompanied children to be used as passports, criminals, rapists, murderers, kidnappers, human traffickers --- over ANY needs that actual USA citizens might have.
  • Before the Democrats' orgasmic desire for Open Borders.
  • Back to when when Illegals were caught ... their asses were sent back to their country right then and there. No processing. No Attorneys. No protesting for them. No Catch & Release. No appeals. No Fucking Sanctuary Cities.
  • Back before the Democrats' incessant crisis fabrications, bogus allegations, parody fabrications of bogus allegations, bogus impeachments, witch hunts, time and money-wasting bogus investigations.
  • Back before Democrats' Brontosaurus-sized cramming of extremely costly non-Covid-19-related horseshit projects into Covid-19 Stimulus Packages.
  • Back to when Career Criminal Maggots were regarded as exactly that ... NOT as Heroes, Saints and Role Models.
  • Back to when Arsonists and Looters were considered CRIMINALS ... NOT Activists exercising their right to peacefully protest. (Not that there is actually anything such as a peaceful protest.)

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
Thank you Chuck for responding. I was beginning to wonder if any would. So maybe back to Reagan? But then what about the Mariel Boat lift and the the hundreds of Cubans that fled to Florida in the 80's. Castro supposedly emptied the jails and asylums to get rid of those who he did not want. And what about Wet Foot, Dry foot for many years guaranteeing a haven for Cubans who were able to set foot on land before being intercepted and got automatic Asylum. Maybe back to after WWII although the Dems were in charge then was it the same when all the DP's from Europe emigrated here after the destruction of many countries . Perhaps all those Poles and Slavs and Germans and French should have been met at the docks and sent back to Europe to starve. Doing that after WWI is how we got WWII. And although I cannot prove it I have been told and read that the southern boarder was just a river then crossed back and forth by both sides without any big deal. Kinda like Canada and the US used to be. Perhaps back to the 19th century when almost all immigrants who were not of English decent were heckled and often beat and sometimes killed because they would destroy the country(Drunken Irish Papists for one). Chinese Exclusion Act . I think that one was both parties but am not sure. Now all this said you do have some good points. Without boarders we don't have a county. All politicians have always crammed costly earmarks into any place in any bill they could so they would look good to the home folks. All politicians make stuff up, lying is part of the job. See Trump, Donald for examples. Also Clinton Bill. What I see as the real problem is the fact that a certain percentage of the populace has let love of Trump destroy their common sense. This crap that God sent The Donald to save the world is so silly as to be unimaginable. The God who created Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, and so many others who did good work and helped make the country into what it became now gives us The Donald. That is the best he can do? Really. Even Mike Pence who I might disagree with on many things is still a better choice.
Unless of course you love the Donald because you believe he represents the very best of Human qualities. Bullying, degradation, threats, lies, insults. If that is the future of America maybe all the gun sales will be needed because if that becomes universal behavior Chicago will look like a Kiddie Playground.