MAG: massive action game

Have you unlocked level 10 games yet Mr. Bolt? I havent dont get to play certain modes until level 10 and they dont let you play the 256 player game until that level as well......I'm just wondering how it is with 256 guns ablazing?

I'm definitely going to play it more before I make my final verdict :D
I hear ya' Mr. Zell. I played that Alaskan Mining map a billion times already......but you gotta keep in mind that they arent worried about map cycle and shit like that in a beta. They want to iron out gameplay bugs and stuff like that.

I understand your frustration but you're not pissed with the game you are pissed with the beta,theres a difference, you know what I mean? It has more MMO elements to it than Call of dookie. In Call,you level up quite rapidly. The slow progression can be a good thing since the final game will have all the modes,bells and whistles going for it......

So I finally made it to level 10 last night and I played a domination game with 128guys per side.That shit is fucking hard.

I hate to say it,but I think it's time that I started looking into different controller alternatives if I plan on getting the full version of this game,or any other FPS(especially Killzone),because I just can't get the accuracy that I want,especially at close range.

Have you ever tried the Fragenstein or the Frag FX controllers?

Oh and what group do you belong to on MAG? I'm Raven.Haven't tried any of the other two yet,though I guess you would either have to delete your current team or just log on under a different profile maybe.
So I finally made it to level 10 last night and I played a domination game with 128guys per side.That shit is fucking hard.

I hate to say it,but I think it's time that I started looking into different controller alternatives if I plan on getting the full version of this game,or any other FPS(especially Killzone),because I just can't get the accuracy that I want,especially at close range.

Have you ever tried the Fragenstein or the Frag FX controllers?

Oh and what group do you belong to on MAG? I'm Raven.Haven't tried any of the other two yet,though I guess you would either have to delete your current team or just log on under a different profile maybe.

To be honest, I couldnt even tell you what faction I'm on......I know it sounds strange but I just started a profile and went right to the action,I dont even know the difference between the three.Is there different weapons/loadouts available etc???

I will pay closer attention when the full game hits though......if you get it and want to game or whatever just hit me up and I'll give you my psn id.....
To be honest, I couldnt even tell you what faction I'm on......I know it sounds strange but I just started a profile and went right to the action,I dont even know the difference between the three.Is there different weapons/loadouts available etc???

I will pay closer attention when the full game hits though......if you get it and want to game or whatever just hit me up and I'll give you my psn id.....

Are you Valor,S.V.E.R.,or Raven?When you log on,it will say in the box to the right what faction you belong to with a little icon on the left side.

BTW,there have been some major server issues all morning long.Have only been able to get on the network one time,and it pretty much kicked me off just minutes later.Sorry,but even though it's only the beta,this really isn't looking too good so far.I'll try later in the afternoon and see if they have fixed the problem.
Are you Valor,S.V.E.R.,or Raven?When you log on,it will say in the box to the right what faction you belong to with a little icon on the left side.

BTW,there have been some major server issues all morning long.Have only been able to get on the network one time,and it pretty much kicked me off just minutes later.Sorry,but even though it's only the beta,this really isn't looking too good so far.I'll try later in the afternoon and see if they have fixed the problem.

I havent been on it in awhile Mr. Zell. Between football playoffs going on and it being the weekend,I've been playing call of dookie more since some of my peeps can only get on during the weekends.......too many diversions.
I havent been on it in awhile Mr. Zell. Between football playoffs going on and it being the weekend,I've been playing call of dookie more since some of my peeps can only get on during the weekends.......too many diversions.

Well that's too bad.You do know that the open beta ends today right?People have been on this thing non stop like it's the end of the world.

Anyway,I'm very conflicted on whether to buy this game when it officially comes out or not.

First of all there's the $65 price tag.I know that there are quite a few games that come out at this price,but that just seems way too steep to me for a game that doesn't even have a single player campaign.

Second,there's the question of will all of the bugs and kinks get worked out in 2 weeks.Again,I don't want to pay $65 for a game that isn't close to perfect and that still has some issues with the server.

Third,will I be able to maintain the current level that I've already achieved?I've pretty much played this game non stop and exclusively for the entire week,getting to a certain level,with certain weapons and gear.To be blunt,I really don't want to have to go through that shit again,but on the other hand,it would seem good because then everyone would start over again on the same level.Very undecided about this issue.

There are a couple of other little issues,like will this game have the longevity that it requires to keep playing it on a regular basis?If there isn't a consistent time when you can play 128 players per side,then is it really worth owning this game?64 per side is is good and can be fun(or really frustrating),but I want what was advertised on a regular basis,and of course that has nothing to do with the game,only the players determine that.

I don't know,I guess I have a couple of weeks to decide what I'm gonna do.
Well that's too bad.You do know that the open beta ends today right?People have been on this thing non stop like it's the end of the world.

Anyway,I'm very conflicted on whether to buy this game when it officially comes out or not.

First of all there's the $65 price tag.I know that there are quite a few games that come out at this price,but that just seems way too steep to me for a game that doesn't even have a single player campaign.

Second,there's the question of will all of the bugs and kinks get worked out in 2 weeks.Again,I don't want to pay $65 for a game that isn't close to perfect and that still has some issues with the server.

Third,will I be able to maintain the current level that I've already achieved?I've pretty much played this game non stop and exclusively for the entire week,getting to a certain level,with certain weapons and gear.To be blunt,I really don't want to have to go through that shit again,but on the other hand,it would seem good because then everyone would start over again on the same level.Very undecided about this issue.

There are a couple of other little issues,like will this game have the longevity that it requires to keep playing it on a regular basis?If there isn't a consistent time when you can play 128 players per side,then is it really worth owning this game?64 per side is is good and can be fun(or really frustrating),but I want what was advertised on a regular basis,and of course that has nothing to do with the game,only the players determine that.

I don't know,I guess I have a couple of weeks to decide what I'm gonna do.

I'm def gonna have the final game,I liked the beta enough. I'm leaning 80% Gfly and 20% purchase right now. Ill prob Gfly it and save the dough.....
Ok folks,so MAG is coming out tuesday here in the US......who has decided to purchase,rent,wait for reviews or skip all together? I went from Gflying it during the beta to purchase on day one now.

I wanna get my hands on it,Call of dookie is fading alittle since I'm done with the 1st prestige,decided to not prestige again and theres no DLC in sight till spring time.

See you on the battlefield(s)
Ok folks,so MAG is coming out tuesday here in the US......who has decided to purchase,rent,wait for reviews or skip all together? I went from Gflying it during the beta to purchase on day one now.

I wanna get my hands on it,Call of dookie is fading alittle since I'm done with the 1st prestige,decided to not prestige again and theres no DLC in sight till spring time.

See you on the battlefield(s)

I'm gonna wait about a week or two just to see if some of the bugs that were in the beta are fixed.

Fun game but very very frustrating at times.

I will say though, if you don't have a headset,you might as well not even play.
I remember I had this idea years ago for a videogame. It would be a massive online first person shooter. Not unlike MMORPGs. Where the world changes with your actions. My idea was that if you blew up a building in the online world that building would just be pile of rubble from then on (until some update where maybe the country rebuilt another building in its place or something
bought it yesterday but just sat down with it for an hour just now before the day gets kicked into gear and I have to say, I dig this game alot. Communication is key, in some modes you can get spawned a good distance from the battle. However, if you communicate than it pays dividends to have a guy sitting back from the firefight just healing dudes when needed....

Ranked up to 5 this morning,8 is required to play the 256 person game so.....
There wasnt an ounce of lag the whole morning either and I was doing some of the 128 player modes......smooth as silk.

Its a winner IMO.
Seriously what does Beta stand for?

It's a pre-release version of a game that's made available for people to try out so the developers can work out any bugs the players encounter. Most big games are released in a beta version to select people (people who sign-up on the games website for instance) sometimes several months before the commercial release.

I heard about MAG last week and said to myself "I am sooooo getting that." Then I learned it was PS3 only.

Oh well...



Land Of The Snakes
It's a pre-release version of a game that's made available for people to try out so the developers can work out any bugs the players encounter. Most big games are released in a beta version to select people (people who sign-up on the games website for instance) sometimes several months before the commercial release.

I heard about MAG last week and said to myself "I am sooooo getting that." Then I learned it was PS3 only.

Oh well...


Thx :hatsoff:
ill probably get it. but ill most likely play it on my friends PS3's or borrow it first. usually what i do anyway
bought it yesterday but just sat down with it for an hour just now before the day gets kicked into gear and I have to say, I dig this game alot. Communication is key, in some modes you can get spawned a good distance from the battle. However, if you communicate than it pays dividends to have a guy sitting back from the firefight just healing dudes when needed....

Ranked up to 5 this morning,8 is required to play the 256 person game so.....
There wasnt an ounce of lag the whole morning either and I was doing some of the 128 player modes......smooth as silk.

Its a winner IMO.

I'm still gonna give it about another week before I plunk down 60 bucks for it.

I'm on the Official MAG boards,and there are still quite a bit of people that are complaining about some of the bugs that are still in the game.Not only that,during the IGN Tournament,SVER just owned everyone,and it is my expectation that the majority of players will join SVER.If that happens,it will not be a good thing for anyone else.SVER's guns are ridiculously more powerful than Valor or Raven's,and it just seemed that SVER was not only better because of the player,but the characters were just better.

All that said,I really enjoyed playing the open beta and the IGN tourney,and was completely hooked for a solid 2 weeks.
some idiots like to be distracting,that said, this game needs an update which includes the option to mute individuals....unless Im missing it somewhere??? I dont see it anywhere
I got 3 days under my belt with this game.......a few impressions.

#1 If you told me that I would be dropping Call of duty like yesterdays news to play MAG all the time when the beta was out,I would say you were crazy. Surprisingly I dropped Call of duty and play MAG now.....its that good.

#2 played alot of 128 and 256 player matches and haven't witnessed any lag yet period.......believe it.

#3 can be alittle anyone and tedious when you get on a squad that doesnt do what they should be doing and arent communicating. Good thing thats few and far between.

#4 the RPG elements and shit to unlock skills and weapons with your earned skill points is fucking cool as hell and one of the best things about the game.

#5 I stated that it was a huge problem that you couldnt mute individuals in the game who's voice chat is disturbing. I was wrong, its called block individual not mute in the start menu. Was happy I found that,it comes in handy.

#6 the game needs a straight up Team deathmatch mode on all maps not just the one that is for your faction. It needs some other modes as well, its alittle skimpy.
some idiots like to be distracting,that said, this game needs an update which includes the option to mute individuals....unless Im missing it somewhere??? I dont see it anywhere

If it's like the beta,I believe you can mute other players,I just can't remember how.

Anyway,I think I'm gonna pick it up today.I'm probably gonna trade in Tekken 6 for it.