I havent been on it in awhile Mr. Zell. Between football playoffs going on and it being the weekend,I've been playing call of dookie more since some of my peeps can only get on during the weekends.......too many diversions.
Well that's too bad.You do know that the open beta ends today right?People have been on this thing non stop like it's the end of the world.
Anyway,I'm very conflicted on whether to buy this game when it officially comes out or not.
First of all there's the $65 price tag.I know that there are quite a few games that come out at this price,but that just seems way too steep to me for a game that doesn't even have a single player campaign.
Second,there's the question of will all of the bugs and kinks get worked out in 2 weeks.Again,I don't want to pay $65 for a game that isn't close to perfect and that still has some issues with the server.
Third,will I be able to maintain the current level that I've already achieved?I've pretty much played this game non stop and exclusively for the entire week,getting to a certain level,with certain weapons and gear.To be blunt,I really don't want to have to go through that shit again,but on the other hand,it would seem good because then everyone would start over again on the same level.Very undecided about this issue.
There are a couple of other little issues,like will this game have the longevity that it requires to keep playing it on a regular basis?If there isn't a consistent time when you can play 128 players per side,then is it really worth owning this game?64 per side is is good and can be fun(or really frustrating),but I want what was advertised on a regular basis,and of course that has nothing to do with the game,only the players determine that.
I don't know,I guess I have a couple of weeks to decide what I'm gonna do.