I dunno I've seen better... No wait, that was the wrong window! How could someone not like Lucy? Other then then the hardcorers/analers/zjobers that is.
I'm posting this here as I can't think of where else to post it. It's is sort of topic related IMO.

I wondered how much longer it would be till this happened. As this is something the Daily Star does with all the people they discover. This is Jamie Lee as you'll read from the story, she is been billed as the new Lucy Pinder. The Star did this with Kelly Brook, Jo Guest and countless others they found. Not too long after they feel the need to have someone come along to be the new ......... and actually this took a little longer than the rest.

If I was Jamie Lee I'd want out my contract this instant. Why because I wouldn't want to be brought through on the back of someone else's name. As the people who are brought through this way usually don't last long or have very low profile careers. Because they are never out of the other persons shadow.

My own opinion is yes she looks nice, but to me is no Lucy as I know nothing about her to start with. As long as she billed this way I'm not going too. Because she will always be doing something Lucy like. So only copying.