i never heard of the site until today. if it were named something else i doubt it would attract so much attention. its just rough bjs... i'm amazed they didn't try to apply some ethnic twist to it as it would sell more. and i'm sure the models knew what they were getting into prior to filming. i don't do extreme hardcore films but i do shoot a lot of spanking videos and i fully disclose whats about to go down, and even show girls past videos etc before rolling tape.
about this video trailer i just saw...any sane guy knows he cant just slap the shit out of her while his dicks in her mouth, less he be dickless. the most appalling thing of all is the video quality of their trailer, it looks like it was shot on a cameraphone on a liferaft during a hurricane... then compressed to hell. thats the shocking part. but maybe that was their intent to sell a raw looking video who knows.