

Great ending. I teared up too. Always knew Jack would die but didn't expect that they would have many years later with all the "good" people in heaven.

Can't wait for Lost 2: Revenge of the Smoke Monster

Hope 24 finale is nearly this good.


I think you guys got it wrong. Kinda hard to explain. They were very much alive on the island. It's just that when they died at differnt points that they met up at the church for one last time to move on. Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points.

I kinda enjoyed the finale. I liked how they wrapped it up with Jack ending up where he did. Brings it full circle.

I thought everybody got that. I guess not, huh?
They were not dead the entire time. The island was real. Sme died there, others years later after Jack. The entire story is Jacks POV so they were shown "dead" as he died. Brilliant writing IMO.
ok, now ive seen it. the last 30 minutes were the best. i dont think ive ever cried for a TV show before. kind of hard to believe its over, but it was beautifully done
I missed the first hour of the finale (5am here!) but still watched the ending, doubt it would have made much more sense to me anyway. Not really the ending you want after 6 years but probably the only ending that wouldn't leave any unresolved issues I dunno :dunno:


My Penis Is Dancing!
The island was reality, the rest was a purgatory of sorts (it explains why Locke was able to walk so quickly after his surgery). Jack died on the island as we saw him as a result of his wounds from the Locke/Smokie fight (he was not wearing the same suit he had been wearing when we very first saw him, so he did not die after the crash.

Meanwhile, I am guessing that Ben did not enter the church because he felt he never did really belong (his quote earlier in the season, "Because no one else will have me" rings true). I am guessing the same for Miles, Mr. Eko, Ana, Walt, Richard, Frank and the other flight passengers (and, if they had all died immediately in the crash, where WERE the other passengers, so again...island reality).
Well, they were dead all along. My gut reaction after having watched it is that I feel suckered. The line "we can all move along" seems like a bitter message to "the fans," a giant :thefinger from Lindeloff and Cuse to the fans.

I actually really liked where the finale was going until the last 10 minutes or so. I started to realize what was going on when Jack gave Hurley the water and said, "Now you're like me." I thought, wtf Jack that was bullshit.

They basically answered every question with this ending. The answer to all the unanswered questions is: It never mattered. They were dead the whole time, and the show was just an interesting way to make people realize they're dead. Sort of the inverse Matrix, I guess.

Was this the "easy" way out? Didn't Lindeloff and Cuse say in an interview back in Season 2 time period that it was not a purgatory show? I will go see if I can find a link to an interview because I could swear they "promised" in an interview that it wasn't a purgatory show.

So, I'll ask again. Was this the easy way to end the show?

I think you guys got it wrong. Kinda hard to explain. They were very much alive on the island. It's just that when they died at differnt points that they met up at the church for one last time to move on. Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points.

I kinda enjoyed the finale. I liked how they wrapped it up with Jack ending up where he did. Brings it full circle.

Well the real debate is: Was it a "dead" show this whole time or was it just a show that occurred in Jack's head? It's one or the other. I will go with it being a dead show.

I have to admit I really liked the "Sideways" storyline with everyone in LA doing slightly different things. I think that was sharp. I will always be a sucker for the Dharma Initiative. That's still total brilliance to me.

I missed the first hour of the finale (5am here!) but still watched the ending, doubt it would have made much more sense to me anyway. Not really the ending you want after 6 years but probably the only ending that wouldn't leave any unresolved issues I dunno :dunno:

i understand the whole "dead" idea and what they did to help or prevent stuff to the island "DIDN'T" matter cause they were dead.
But WTF was that pillar in the ground at the bottom of the light tunnel? explain that! and why it makes the island go into earthquake mode? and why was it bright light (heaven?) and then an orangy/red color after removed (hell?)??
that is the stuff i want answered? how is someone a smoke monster? what was with the trees moving from early in the season? the polar bear? that is the answers i want,i want the logic behind that or is it just "let's think of the craziest things to just rack peoples brains" ???
I feel empty inside after watching the final episode, I wouldnt really say that I liked or disliked it but just didnt answer enough questions for me, but then I felt the same after wacthing Cloverfield :dunno:


i understand the whole "dead" idea and what they did to help or prevent stuff to the island "DIDN'T" matter cause they were dead.
But WTF was that pillar in the ground at the bottom of the light tunnel? explain that! and why it makes the island go into earthquake mode? and why was it bright light (heaven?) and then an orangy/red color after removed (hell?)??
that is the stuff i want answered? how is someone a smoke monster? what was with the trees moving from early in the season? the polar bear? that is the answers i want,i want the logic behind that or is it just "let's think of the craziest things to just rack peoples brains" ???
They were not all dead until the final season. The island was real.
They were all dead the last season but they had to wait in Purgatory until they found each other so they could go to heaven together.

The trees moving was obviously the smoke monster and not the fucking polar bear. It made the same sounds as smoky and was obviously huge.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Remember, though - the actions we saw take place on the island this season were the actions of living people (for the most part).
The stuff taking part on the flashsideways Earth takes part a long time into the distance (Hurley and Ben are dead by then...and I think both live for quite some time in the place of Jacob and Richard.


Remember, though - the actions we saw take place on the island this season were the actions of living people (for the most part).
The stuff taking part on the flashsideways Earth takes part a long time into the distance (Hurley and Ben are dead by then...and I think both live for quite some time in the place of Jacob and Richard.

Yeah, Hurley would have had to find his replacement. Who knows how old Jacob or Richard were. Hurley probably lived as long as them.
The purgatory ending only explains the parallel universe thing of the last season, the whole Island part was effectively irrelevant as were the many mysteries associated with it?


The point of LOST pretty much was be a good person, make good friends, find love, do what you feel is right and you can make it into Heaven with those you loved and cared for the most, but its going to be a bitch and a half getting there.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
The criticism of lost that it creates more questions than it answers is true. I want to know about the old school island. I want to know who made that plug, and all the Egyptian and Latin stuff. But maybe that's just the writers way of saying they were always people on the island and maybe they always will be.

Totally agree with Hurley and Ben being on the island a long time. He wouldn't have said you were a great number 2 if it had been for all but 5 minutes.