
Last night was a good episode. Seeing Jack run around in Mayberry playing football was hilarious.

Next week is going to explain Locke's past. It seems Locke knows what this island is about. I'am curious on how he got ahold of that C4 since it was in the basement. something must have happened on that computer besides that chess game and watching that video that we didnt see that Locke wanted to hide from everyone else.

good episode last night...jack playing football threw me for a loop, what a twist...locke going bad? sweet lol...looking forward to his past...
Claires dad is cheech marin and the father of her baby is john locke who was paralized when he was shot by sawyer and her baby is desmond who travled back in time to end up on the island. That's my prediction anyway.

I'm going to shit a brick if that turns out to be true!:1orglaugh
good episode, claire and jack...bro and sis?!?!?!!! hmmmm
why do i have this really weird feeling that the guy they pushed through that sonic sensor thing is NOT going to be dead and somehow make it back to warn the "others"


Closed Account
Yes, it became that way, but not when that episode aired it wasn't.

No, it really really was predictable, as soon as it happened. :2 cents:

Patchy being pushed through the barrier was the gnarliest thing on the show so far, thought it was awesome.

The only thing that pissed me off about this episode:

The fucking essay they stuck on the seagull. Why the hell would anyone write that much?
And just putting it on a piece of paper and sticking it on his leg? It's a seabird, the paper will get wet and be rendered useless...

*it's just a tv show..*
*it's just a tv show..*

.. It's ok, i'll get over it :D
No, it really really was predictable, as soon as it happened. :2 cents:

I know, that's why so many people I talked to about it said they didn't think that was the case. Not that I'm the only one to put it together, but now everyone will say that they made the connection as soon as it happenned, and half of them will be full of shit.

Oh, here's this back at ya :2 cents: ...


Closed Account
People will be saying that about the entire show when it's over.

"Oh i knew Jack would wake up and it was all a dream" :1orglaugh

I also have a theory that Locke is ex CIA, or at least a former member of the military or intelligence community that I can support to a certain extent, but can't make fit completely. I think that it's either going to be his role as a "secret agent man" or else the two guys that his dad conned out of their money that put him in the wheelchair, at least based on what we know about him now. If he does turn out to be ex CIA, I'll guarantee that he'll have a tie to Kelvin, the guy from Sayid's flashback that later turned up in the hatch with Desmond.


Closed Account

I also have a theory that Locke is ex CIA, or at least a former member of the military or intelligence community that I can support to a certain extent, but can't make fit completely. I think that it's either going to be his role as a "secret agent man" or else the two guys that his dad conned out of their money that put him in the wheelchair, at least based on what we know about him now. If he does turn out to be ex CIA, I'll guarantee that he'll have a tie to Kelvin, the guy from Sayid's flashback that later turned up in the hatch with Desmond.

I never thought about CIA, but i definately see him as ex-military.

Also, i think Jack/Claires dad is going to have more to do with the story, some connection with Dharma, maybe.

And time travel, shit loads more time travel with be in the show...
I never thought about CIA, but i definately see him as ex-military.

Locke has always just known things about people. He knew that Sawyer had the medication that he stole from the vault in the hatch in his tent. He knew Hurley's name was Hugo when the only one he'd told that Hurley was his nick name was Jack. He knew Sawyer's real name. When they first caught Ben, and had him in the gun vault, Locke wanted to get information from him. And then there's all the knife throwing and hunting that he knows how to do that go way beyond shooting birds with his father. And there was that comment he made last episode about "You never know when a little C4 will come in handy." What kind of civillian knows how handy C4 is, let alone how to detonate it, which it looks like to me he does next episode with that explsoion going off behind him

The first time I started thinking of this as a possibility was when he and Boone were doing their thing out in the jungle, and Boone said something to the effect, "a guy that works at a box company knows how to do all of this...right!" I just can't imagine how else they would credibly explain all of these things with him.
The fucking essay they stuck on the seagull. Why the hell would anyone write that much?
And just putting it on a piece of paper and sticking it on his leg? It's a seabird, the paper will get wet and be rendered useless...

Ha! that's exactly what I was saying.

"hello world, we're the survivors and we're trapped on the island. No we don't have any actual useful information to give you that might help us get rescued. but here's some mundane updates about our social lives.

PS. maybe we should have mentioned the fact that there are other people on this island and we don't know who the hell they are, there's an invisible monster that eats people and polar bears, oh yeah, and that giant magnetic anomaly.. yeah, we did that."
I liked the episode. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but I liked it. I think they are getting better. they only one that I really didn't like was the tattoo one. Also this further leads me to believe that locke's dad might be the real Sawyer.
sawyer's working for the others??? ...well thats what the previews say...so mayb they told him they'd get him the real sawyer, locke's dad....i dunno what's going on anymore...but still loving every moment of it
Locke took one helluva bump there......out the window!!!
good episode i like it kept me entertained and focused the whole time.
locke trying to do everything to keep them on the island was a twist to me.

also, sorry to say, but I'm kind of ready for charlie to die. you felt sorry for him first season, he was an ass second season, and now I just don't care anymore.
i agree with charlie... they kill characters that have something left to offer (libby, eko) so kill someone who is done... chariles gotta go