lordvader1 said:Yeah but what makes him so good?? The guy is a little twisted, cool but twisted. Maybe that's what the others want...3 more episodes to find out!
Big P13 said:The other thing that caught my eye was when Jack's father went to that woman's house wanting to see his daughter, just how much that woman looked like Claire
Tgunz262 said:Besides, Jack's father says "She's my daughter. I have ever right to see her too." or something to that effect. Meaning that he's looking for the woman's child and not her anyway.[/i]
websurfer said:remember when jin and mr ecko were looking for michael several episodes ago, they hid under some bushes while the others passed by. The "others don't have shoes and their feet look filthy.
thegunner898989 said:He is the island's best servant. He believes that the island has brought them here and that it is his destiny to serve the island. He believes that you have to type in the numbers every 108 minutes because he is a man of faith. He thinks the island will lead him to his destiny. That is why he is so important to them.
He regained the ability to use his legs because he wouldnt have been able to do anything without that ability.
Sorry if I spoiled anything for the UK people...
Big P13 said:Yes, but remember the episode in which Kate found the locker with the theatrical make-up, dirty clothes and false beard insice of that other hatch? We also saw the bearded guy, minus the beard, and Ethan dressed pretty well, and they were also clean. It would appear that the dirty, worn clothes are part of some front they are putting up when they go out into the jungle. Possibly to give themselves the appearance of ignorant, less threatening people...don't know.:dunno:
Can someone tell me how to use quotes multiple times in a single post so I don't have to post every time I want to use one?
Good point!:glugglug: thanks for the response! however, I am still skeptical that the "others" are the same people as those responsible or in charge of the darma initiative or hanso foundationBig P13 said:Yes, but remember the episode in which Kate found the locker with the theatrical make-up, dirty clothes and false beard insice of that other hatch? We also saw the bearded guy, minus the beard, and Ethan dressed pretty well, and they were also clean. It would appear that the dirty, worn clothes are part of some front they are putting up when they go out into the jungle. Possibly to give themselves the appearance of ignorant, less threatening people...don't know.:dunno:
Can someone tell me how to use quotes multiple times in a single post so I don't have to post every time I want to use one?