
Because they seem to be collecting the "good" people. Locke spent a lot of time with Ethan last season so Ethan could have easily figured out that Locke was one of the "good" ones that they want. Beyond that, I haven't got a clue!
Wait, I don't follow. Who's twisted? The prisoner, or Locke?

The other thing that caught my eye was when Jack's father went to that woman's house wanting to see his daughter, just how much that woman looked like Claire. Wouldn't it be wild if Jack and Claire were half brother and sister? I find it pretty doubtful, but as inter-weaved as everyone in this show is, it could be...
lordvader1 said:
Yeah but what makes him so good?? The guy is a little twisted, cool but twisted. Maybe that's what the others want...3 more episodes to find out!

He is the island's best servant. He believes that the island has brought them here and that it is his destiny to serve the island. He believes that you have to type in the numbers every 108 minutes because he is a man of faith. He thinks the island will lead him to his destiny. That is why he is so important to them.
He regained the ability to use his legs because he wouldnt have been able to do anything without that ability.

Sorry if I spoiled anything for the UK people...
Big P13 said:
The other thing that caught my eye was when Jack's father went to that woman's house wanting to see his daughter, just how much that woman looked like Claire

That can't be right. Claire would still be pregnant in that flashback. Besides, Jack's father says "She's my daughter. I have ever right to see her too." or something to that effect. Meaning that he's looking for the woman's child and not her anyway.

Actually when I first saw that scene I thought it might have something to do with Sawyer because of needing Anna for 'protection' and the fact that it probably was the same rainy night that Sawyer shot that hotdog vendor guy.

It was so short but I loved Sawyer's micro-cameo. "HEY. I'm walking here!" :D

I am intrigued by the two faith based beliefs held by Locke and Mr. Eko. Locke trusts fate as his guide and Mr. Eko sees a more religious path being laid in front of them. Well I suppose that's fate as well, but one is being guided a bit by faith and not blindly as if it were designed eons ago.
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Tgunz262 said:
Besides, Jack's father says "She's my daughter. I have ever right to see her too." or something to that effect. Meaning that he's looking for the woman's child and not her anyway.[/i]

That's what I'm saying. I'm saying that that woman would be Claire's mother, not Claire in that theory. That would mean that Jack's dad had Claire with the woman that he was arguing with. Like I said, I truly doubt it. The woman didn't look old enough to have a daughter as old as Claire is. Just one of those things that makes you wonder "what if" in your mind...
Ah I see. When you said 'looked like' I assumed you ment that you thought she was Cliare, not just a relitive. Interesting...

I can't remember enough about Clarie's backstory to know if that's even possible within the realm of Lost. But that would be interesting no doubt.
So is Michael now an "other"?

I'm thinking they sent him back, to free Henry, with his reward being he gets Walt back. Killing Ana Lucia settles whatever score the Others have with her, Libby was probably just a wrong place, wrong time situation (and in real life it gives her some free time to do her community service). The whole tent community is probably just a farce, and there will either be nothing or a big old ambush.

I'm not sure Henry was really coming for Locke. I think he is just laying the groundwork for a set up. Flashbacks have shown Locke to be easily manipulated, especially when he is made to feel wanted.

This show really messes with my head sometimes
I was not aware that there is a forum here about " lost". coincidentaly I was just finished googling other forums just to find out we have one here as well. KEWL.

Just a question: Jack seems to be a goody two shoes as well plus he has medical knowledge. why does the others not seem to be interested in him? remember when jin and mr ecko were looking for michael several episodes ago, they hid under some bushes while the others passed by. The "others don't have shoes and their feet look filthy. Even those on the boat who kidnapped walt did not look intimidating nor seem to be more powerful than that losties. the only thing is they are good in manipulating the losties psyche and outwitting the losties minds especially the tailees. dang, ana lucia is gone, libby might be as well, then in the trailer mr. ecko falls on a cliff, looks like only bernard will be left from the tailees. only shannon has been gone from the front end lostees.

I missed the first part of last night's episode due to american idol but glad I saw the last part.
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If Henry weren't coming for Locke, I can't understand why he stuck around while Locke was trapped under the blast door. I would think he would have at the very least escaped, and at worste killed him.
websurfer said:
remember when jin and mr ecko were looking for michael several episodes ago, they hid under some bushes while the others passed by. The "others don't have shoes and their feet look filthy.

Yes, but remember the episode in which Kate found the locker with the theatrical make-up, dirty clothes and false beard insice of that other hatch? We also saw the bearded guy, minus the beard, and Ethan dressed pretty well, and they were also clean. It would appear that the dirty, worn clothes are part of some front they are putting up when they go out into the jungle. Possibly to give themselves the appearance of ignorant, less threatening people...don't know.:dunno:

Can someone tell me how to use quotes multiple times in a single post so I don't have to post every time I want to use one?

thegunner898989 said:
He is the island's best servant. He believes that the island has brought them here and that it is his destiny to serve the island. He believes that you have to type in the numbers every 108 minutes because he is a man of faith. He thinks the island will lead him to his destiny. That is why he is so important to them.
He regained the ability to use his legs because he wouldnt have been able to do anything without that ability.

Sorry if I spoiled anything for the UK people...

Hmmmm that's what I was thinking too.
Big P13 said:
Yes, but remember the episode in which Kate found the locker with the theatrical make-up, dirty clothes and false beard insice of that other hatch? We also saw the bearded guy, minus the beard, and Ethan dressed pretty well, and they were also clean. It would appear that the dirty, worn clothes are part of some front they are putting up when they go out into the jungle. Possibly to give themselves the appearance of ignorant, less threatening people...don't know.:dunno:

Can someone tell me how to use quotes multiple times in a single post so I don't have to post every time I want to use one?


That's a good point. While they were "examining" Claire they were all clean shaved, and wearing clean and neat clothing. I think also that the dirty look is just an illusion to make Jack and the others think that they are on the same playing field, to give Jack and the rest hope that they can get the kids back and not have these "others" fuck with them. As for Michael....it's the biggest mystery so far to me. Doesn't seem like a murderer to me. I think the fact that he was shaking uncontrolably after he shot both women has some kind of meaning. What I have no idea. Regardless, he's playing a dangerous game. Shit this show is so damn cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I don't think Michael is an other now, I just think they're probably using Walt as leverage to make him do things. Who can know for sure though?
Big P13 said:
Yes, but remember the episode in which Kate found the locker with the theatrical make-up, dirty clothes and false beard insice of that other hatch? We also saw the bearded guy, minus the beard, and Ethan dressed pretty well, and they were also clean. It would appear that the dirty, worn clothes are part of some front they are putting up when they go out into the jungle. Possibly to give themselves the appearance of ignorant, less threatening people...don't know.:dunno:

Can someone tell me how to use quotes multiple times in a single post so I don't have to post every time I want to use one?

Good point!:glugglug: thanks for the response! however, I am still skeptical that the "others" are the same people as those responsible or in charge of the darma initiative or hanso foundation:confused:
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Well, they were in a Dharma hatch, and I'm pretty sure that the guy that had the beard, when he saw him clean shaven in the hatch was wearing clothes with a Dharma patch on them. I'm not completely sure on this point though.
Actually, now that I think about it, I know that the bottle of theatricle glue that Kate found had the Dharma logo on it.
Wow, that confused the hell out of me! They're really starting to mess with my mind bringing some of this stuff into reality. Like that commercial for the Hanso Foundation with the phone number mixed in with the real commercials!:rolleyes:

I'm in the middle of reading the second LOST book called Secret Identity. That series isn't very good. It seems like it's aimed more at a teenaged audience, but this manuscript is intriguing.

Another quirky little fact I came across somewhere is that if you go to a Latitude/Longitude finder site, and enter the numbers as latitutdes and longitudes, the result will tell you that the coordinants are 108 miles from the nearest land mass. I can't remember the exact way you have to order the numbers, but I tried it after seeing that and it worked.
Okay, I found it. If anyone wants to try it for themselves you can google "latitude/longitude finder" then put in the numbers like this:

Latitude: 4.815

Longitude: 162.342