

Closed Account
Please refrain from posting in this thread when you are high in the future. Things are confusing enough as they are! :rofl:

HA! i dont think he was though, thats just his writing style. Personally i love it, he types exactly how he thinks. Confusing at times, but rewarding once you know what hes on about :D
Sawyer and Kate got it on last night. I think the Others allowed it so she would get knocked up.

We gots to wait until Feb, only good thing is they will play all 16 episodes back to back.

I got a feeling Walt and Michael will return with info on what is really going on during the Season Finale to keep you hooked for next season.


Closed Account
Everyone catch the mention of "Jacob"? When picket is off to kill Sawyer he says "Jack wasnt even on Jacobs list"...

So Jacob is pretty damn likely to be the "big boss" and not Ben.

God damn i love Jack, what a legend. Everyones been dissing him saying hes becoming a pussy, but he proved um all wrong, mwahaha!

Great episode, i hate the idea of marriage, but seeing Kates ass in that wedding dress almost changed my mind :D
good episode. kinda sad there wasnt more development in the eko categor besides the writing on the staff.
but the episode was meant to leave a cliffhanger and it did that. good work jack!
Everyone catch the mention of "Jacob"? When picket is off to kill Sawyer he says "Jack wasnt even on Jacobs list"...

So Jacob is pretty damn likely to be the "big boss" and not Ben.

Great episode, i hate the idea of marriage, but seeing Kates ass in that wedding dress almost changed my mind :D

Yeah, I heard Jacob's name mentioned. It might be the dude Locke and them saw on that monitor.

And Kate was looking hot in that dress. She was looking hot with that dark brunette hairdo too. I would have dicked her for sure!

lol i loved that on letterman. first time i watched letterman in god at least 5 years. just happened to be channel surfing and saw hurley


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::waits patiently for the next 12 weeks::

The last one really left me hanging..is Kate going to blurt out there's nowhere to run? Are they going to run down to a conveniently well-stocked boatyard?!

Can we let Ben die? He's sorta.. integral to the whole 'Others' bit. Which I'm not exactly tired of.. but ya know.. ya lose people when you pose a question over and over and over. Then wait a few months to even hint at the next answer. Oh well.. desperate housewives and deadwood are next on my list.


Closed Account
I don't think Ben will die... But if he does, it wouldn't really matter. They have already hinted that he isn't the "leader", making him slightly less important than he was originally made out to be.

He should die in a better way though. Being awake and having his skull kicked in would be nice. I'm hoping Jack will do that at some point.
i cant wait for the show to come back. i think the true leader will make an apperance before the decision on whether ben lives or dies is made.
this is gonna be along 12 weeks. damn!! screw christmas, just bring me some new lost!!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The true leader... can anyone say 'dude with a patch that Locke already saw?!?'

Dammit, double posted while taking my sleeping pills. They dont taste so great.

Anyway, now I lost my train of thought.


Closed Account
The true leader... can anyone say 'dude with a patch that Locke already saw?!?'

Dammit, double posted while taking my sleeping pills. They dont taste so great.

Anyway, now I lost my train of thought.

Yeah coz the guy called "Jacob" in "the lost experience" looks loads like the guy who plays "patchy"...... but it could be a "coincidense".
The guy who plays "patchy" was also the enemy in lots of other shows, including "wishmaster" so it is likely he will play the bad guy in another show... eg... "lost" ... jesus, look at all the quotation " " marks """""" i think "" "" i have "" gone crosseyed """ ...


Closed Account
Yeah coz the guy called "Jacob" in "the lost experience" looks loads like the guy who plays "patchy"...... but it could be a "coincidense".
The guy who plays "patchy" was also the enemy in lots of other shows, including "wishmaster" so it is likely he will play the bad guy in another show... eg... "lost" ... jesus, look at all the quotation " " marks """""" i think "" "" i have "" gone crosseyed """ ...

Holy shit i was wasted last night, i don't even remember posting this. What the hell was i going on about?

never drink and post...
well week one of no lost is upon us... and lets just say that "Survivor is looking more and more appetizing... god no what am i saying!!"
(shakes and trembles)



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
well week one of no lost is upon us... and lets just say that "Survivor is looking more and more appetizing... god no what am i saying!!"
(shakes and trembles)


You gotta keep yourself busy! I moved on to Desperate Housewives and I'm loving it. They actually ANSWER the mysteries, altho there is still a big question or three over everybody's heads. Oh, plus they're all hot in their own way and its actually funny. I didnt laugh so much at Lost.. but.. but.. ::commie in 1950s spotlight look:: That doesnt mean I'm anything but a LOST fan! I'm just saying!

Anyway, if 2.3 seasons of Desp Housewives runs out before Lost comes back on, I also have Deadwood Season 1 lurking over in my DVD area, all virginal.