Lost a friend and family member this week

MY condolences.

My 11yr old Husky has cancer but is still happy and active. My wife and I are waiting to see him turn for the worse but so far so good. Just thinking of him hurting or dying makes me immensely sad. I've had a great decade with him though.
We had a cat, Priscilla, for 18 years. When she turned 16 she started developing tumors in her lungs. We were able to remove them the first two times, but after that they were too small for the vet to remove, and we were in a tight financial situation, so we couldn't afford the $1500+ for the surgeries. She looked happy and healthy until about 3 months before the end, then she started deteriorating. She started having problems, first getting up, then walking.

She had lost all of her teeth except for one throughout her life, but she still enjoyed her food, though it had to be mashed for her to eat it. In her last couple months, though, she had a hard time eating, and feeding her would often take hours. She went from a healthy 9 pounds to just over 4 pounds in a few weeks.

We finally made the decision to put her to sleep when she started losing control of her bodily functions. We decided that keeping her around was selfish at that point, and that she would be better off not suffering.

The mile and a half drive to the vet that day was the longest ride of my life. I kept trying to think that I knew she would be better off, but I couldn't stop thinking that I was taking Priscilla to her death. I felt like an unwilling executioner that day.

The whole thing happened very fast when we got to the vet. We were assigned a room, and the vet came in after a few minutes. Doctor Kevorkian She gave Priscilla the shot, and within 2 seconds she was gone. That's one of the worst memories I have. As I'm writing this my eyes are watering and there's a lump in my throat fro thinking about that day.

Sorry about your dog H. You should find comfort in the fact that she's not suffering anymore.


Postal Paranoiac
That's tough. You did the right--but hard--thing.


If anything could make a grown man cry it's this.

Cry On! . . . It helped get me through 3 of these most painful ordeals.
Why fight it? You have clearance from the tower . . . Rain Baby! :bawling: :hatsoff:

Seriously, I'm sad for you sir, Rotties are great dogs.
I know how you feel..

I had two spaniels put down, about 8 yrs ago... I still miss having them around. :crying:
Funny I don'y own any pets but like cats and the neighbours cat is always trying to get into our house, he's really friendly and is waiting for us when we open the door at 7am to go to work. Sometimes he wanders into the garden and presses his face against the window to try and grab our attention. I'm now always looking out for him or talking about him and often think if anything happened to him i'd be distraught. We're moving in a couple of months and i'm missing him already. :(


Closed Account
Sorry for your loss!

My dog is now 12 years old and showing some signs of slowing down, She's a Good Mutt Pit-Lab-Wolf/Cross. I'm not Looking forward to that day!

To grieve for a Pet is more than natural, they are friends and Family! Often if not always better than any of us people!
Spare a thought for this guy if his dog was ever to perish:

I really want to thank everyone for the warm wishes and thoughts. Seriously, it was a rough week, and it stayed sad watching our other dog become a bit confused as to what had changed, and then seem kind of lost.

Its getting only a little easier.

But thanks again for the great comments, thoughtful responses, and everything else.



Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I'm really sorry to hear about your beloved pet passing. My parents just had to let go of their Wolf (yes really, a wolf) that they've raised since a puppy for 14 years. It is truly sad. :(:(
She was as much a member of family as a person. I'm sorry.