Lost a friend and family member this week

I know some folks don't consider animals to be that important, but Monday I had to make the awful decision to let go of a pet that has been a big part of my wife's life for 12 years, and mine for 9. Our Rottweiler had terrible arthritis in her hips, and had developed a tumor (possibly more than one) on her great big, sweet heart.

It was one of the hardest decisions we've ever had to make, but I do think it was the right one.

My wife's heart is absolutely broken, and its one of those things to really makes your heart go out to anyone else who has to go through this.

Hopefully now she's in a better place.



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Awww...I'm sorry. At least you know she'll be waiting on the otherside of the rainbow bridge. ;-)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Aww man that's sad news! :(

I'm sorry you and your wife had to make this decision. It was the right one even though I'm sure it hurt a lot!

RIP h's Rottweiler!
SO SORRY i am a dog lover..if i ever hit the lottery..im gunna build the largest pet home ever!!!!..its gunna make the headlines. my dad got a little taco bell dog for his birthday about 10 years ago..i know its a little tiny dog..most guys like me are into bulldogs (i know i know ) but he was forced on me kinda..well that was ten years ago..and now hes part of the family..with 3 of his offspring running around. my advice..dont ask her..just bring her home a cute puupy with a note around his neck saying will i do..make sure hes fat and cute with big sad eyes:thumbsup:
i went to my grandpas wake last weekend (he was cremated a while back and we were waiting for all the family to be able to get together) and came home to find my buddy ratikin dead (he was a rat which i know leads to less love than a dog for some) his water bottle was half full and his food bowl still had food in it so he didn't die of those things...anyway i loved the little guy so i understand where you're coming from and offer my consolation

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
We got a poodle when I was five years-old and kept him until my freshman year of college. Toward the end, he had trouble walking and had pretty bad cataracts in both eyes. One day, my mom decided to put him down, and did so on a day that we were all out of the house. She knew it was best for him an didn't ask anybody else because she knew that we'd protest. He was a great dog, and I basically grew up with him. It's tough losing a pet like that. :(

Are you going to get another one?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ah man! I've been through the same thing a few years ago, my cat broke her leg, and we had to put her to sleep, it was really sad to experience.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am truly sorry for your loss, I, just like many here that posted before me, love and adore my dogs, they are part of my family, and yeah allot of people think I am crazy, and that's fine, cuz those dogs were the ones with me, that stayed with me, there the ones that didn't abandon me or avoid me when I needed a friend to talk too :D a friend that wasn't mad @ me or a friend that wasn't gonna yell @ me for some dumb BS, I don't care what anybody says in my book, my pets are my family.

I had a little brother pass in 02 and it was really hard, I was even emotional :bawling: I now have another little brother who is 15 in human years, he has arthritis, and cataracts, and is sometimes in pain, but the Vet gave me meds for him and he's doing really well on his meds, he runs around like a puppy when he's taking his meds, matter of fact, this coming Saturday, I am going to Adopt another dog, there was a News segment about needy dogs who need a home, well, I am gonna go save a dog.

I would Do like someone already suggested, go to your local shelter and adopt a new puppy, she would love that. again I am sorry for your loss, I can feel your pain as if she was one of my own.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yeah anytime I lose a dog or cat to old age or something like that..it's always sad, but someday I know I will see them again.
The first time I ever cried over a death was a kitty cat of mine. She was the sweetest. I feel your loss.
I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. As a dog owner, I know how close we get to our furry family members. Hopefully we will all get to see our pets in heaven some day. In the meantime, it might not hurt to replace the quiet left in your home with a new puppy. You'll never forget the one you lost, but hopefully you can direct some of your grief towards loving and taking care of the new pup, and that could make it a little easier.


I 'm am ashamed of being apart of freeones.
All these posts and not one, not one inconsiderate joke.
You all disappoint me.

....sorry about your doggie. :cry:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Sorry to hear that. I had to put down my dog a couple of months ago. We had her for eleven years or so. It's definitely not something that I want to do again.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Sorry to hear it. It is tough to lose a pet, they are like family.