Lorna Morgan From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

She just had a baby!

Okay guys, let's consider the fact that she just had a baby!

She may lose some of her plumpness.
But she may not lose all of it.
Some women have a physical change, and their hips can widen 2-4", which is irreversible.
Not all women can go back to their size before pregnancy, especially not with added width.
Some women also have a sizeable change in how their thyroid and other glands operate.

With that said, give Lorna A good year to see if she loses much of the weight she gained.
But from the looks of it, her increase in hips and bust size is permanent.
Yes, she could drop 30lbs. or so and lose some of the "plumpness."
But let's face it, she was already a very wide hourglass to begin with.
And many women like that widen in bone structure after their first child.

Hell, a lot of women like her in their teens or 20s tend to widen and gain 30lbs. or so in their 20s and 30s, respectively.
No offense, but one is rather naive if they think every woman can look like they were when they were a decade younger, much less after they have a baby.

Kate Dillon is a perfect example of this.
As a teenager, she was a size 6 and predicted to be the next Cindy Crawford.
By the time she exited her teens, the only way she could maintain it was by starving herself and nearly died.
Today she exercises and is a healthy size 14 -- probably not her slimest, but she can't break a size 10 or 12 without being unhealthy.

As far as the Sports Illustrated comment, how shallow can you really be lovejoy?
Most women with width cannot help it, they can only hope to be slender (flat stomach) but not thin as in bone structure.
Also, some SI models can't maintain their figure as they age past 25 or so.
Yes, some are able to, but some cannot with exercise, and many of the "wider with age" former models are actually more fit than their younger peers.

In fact, the Body Mass Index (BMI) has been rendered obsolete for decades, and most new studies have backed this up.
The new index is to measure the protrusion of the stomach.
I know many women size 10-14 who are more fit and healthy than women half their dress size.
But some people are right, some of these women (several are even current gymists) have self-esteem issues because of comments like in this thread.
And that's just tragic!

Yes, Lorna has a protruding stomach, and to be "completely fit" she could lose 30lbs.
But she is going to be fuller, bustier and more curvy for the rest of her life after this child than she was before.
That's just what happens to many women when they have a child.
We have some very, very narrow minded people in this thread.
And the only reason I don't completely hate them is because there are just more women (especially intelligent women, like female doctors) who can appreciate my intelligent viewpoint.

She's been slowly turning into a MILF over the last decade.
She just got a 9 month acceleration.
And I think she's hotter than ever, but that's just me.
You can disagree, but this unintellegent non-sense is just laughable ...
lovejoy said:
Any woman who is overweight is a woman who has very low self-esteem, eat a lot, have no control of how she eats, refuses to exercise, crazes sugar and eat a lot of salt.
Look at her first picture (after enlargement) with clothes, she is very fat.
This is not a "healthy" look. Go to http://www.si.com and see for the 2006 Models and understand what is a healthy look ! A fat chick is an ugly chick ! An unhealthy chick !
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Broad strokes ...

Nightfly said:
No - a person who exercises, eats a balanced diet, & doesn't overeat is healthy, as far as weight is concerned.
Then what about teenage and young women who do, but don't show it ... yet?

Or what about the woman who exercises, eats a balanced diet, but can't break a size 10 without eating less?

Or what about women who have stomach protrusion after a baby, but it's not fat?
Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

He was talking about "healthy," not trim/slim. A person could be big/bigger, but healthy. You seemed to have missed that in my comment, Prof.

Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

Nightfly said:
Wow - nice pompous ending to your post, Prof. :eek: lol
It's assuming, ignorant and unintelligent non-sense.
Can you defend it to be otherwise?
This is the crap that gives extremely fit women self-esteem issues that causes them to starve themselves, even when their fuller body frame can't take it.
If I'm "pompous" for pointing that out while being pissed, so be it, I'm guilty as charged!
Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

Nightfly said:
He was talking about "healthy," not trim/slim. A person could be big/bigger, but healthy. You seemed to have missed that in my comment, Prof.:hatsoff:
And you seemed to miss the fact that many thin women pig out, don't exercise, but don't gain weight -- at least when they are younger.
That was my point!
Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

I was talking about health, not weight, in response to the guy's post, Prof., because that's what he mentioned.

Anyway... Back to topic...

Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

Nightfly said:
I was talking about health, not weight, in response to the guy's post, Prof., because that's what he mentioned.
Okay, fair enough.
We agree that weight/looks and health are not always related.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
alexios_hellas said:
Have you guys seen this new set of Lorna Morgan?


I really think it is amazing. I don't know of any guy that doesn't oggle her and think she is a wonderful busty goddess, but this set does a completely amazing job of showing her as an average (if that's possible) girl next door. I remember that,in a previous thread, we were talking about these women just being normal people when they're not performing. Well, I think this is a prime example of it. She looks so normal...but that's not a bad thing, Lorna is beautiful no matter what. What do you think? :thumbsup:

She looks fine to me!
Lorna Morgan has always been a fave of Mine because she always had a cute face, approachable look and obviously huge breasts. Never has she seemed overweight; maybe some baby weight, but she has that lush look.

She looks fine and normal just the way she does; she was just born wih a huge rack.

And gurls with genetically real big tits are o.k. with Me.

The Satyr Icon
Nipple-only fuck

stryder said:
I'd love to titty fuck this girl. Unload right on her nipples.
Actually, that's one of my favorite things to do. It's very sensitive/rough for my wife, but occasionally she really wants it.

I just get her turned on enough her nipples start to come out. I place the underside of the base of my penis helmet (it's most sensitive part) right atop of her nipple. I then use both hands with my thumb pushing down on my penis to "roll her breast" (which is why natural DD's rule!) sideways (I'm typically on my knees next to her side) as I pump -- and her nipple growth and my hardness reach a symbiosis.

Depending on the mood and sensitivity, she can go all the way this way -- typically by either fingering herself and/or playing with her clit, or if we have a good connection/motion going, I can remove one of my hands and use it to play with her clit, if not finger as well. We don't go this way often -- she either gets too sensitive or I lose my position. But it is insense when we do -- including a major pair of initial shots that "stream over her body" if I orgasm.
Re: From Busty Goddess to girl Next Door...

lovejoy said:
Any woman who is overweight is a woman who has very low self-esteem, eat a lot, have no control of how she eats, refuses to exercise, crazes sugar and eat a lot of salt.

Look at her first picture (after enlargement) with clothes, she is very fat.

This is not a "healthy" look. Go to http://www.si.com and see for the 2006 Models and understand what is a healthy look ! A fat chick is an ugly chick ! An unhealthy chick !

I'm not sure that your definition of "very fat" and "healthy" is quite accurate. Lorna Morgan is an average-sized 30 year old female who is now a proud mother of one.

The girls in SI are not your average 20 year old "girl". They vomit, eat carrot sticks, exercise to the point of exhaustion and snort vast quantities of cocaine just to retain their stick-like appearance.

I'm sorry to rant, but I'd rather have a large breasted and full-figured girl who exercises and eats properly than a coked-up flat-chested wanna-be IT girl.
Just to prove she's average, check out this picture

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And how about this one

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I'd still do her, though I probably weigh less than she does, so the question would be, would she do me? :D