Looks like Obama's health care is going to pass.

It's never happened ? :1orglaugh and I typed "if you have to"

but it's not the primary reason . . .and get real. :2 cents:

So, what are socialists going to now that medical wrongful death(s) coverage only handles the cost of a cremation ? :1orglaugh To whom do you appeal ? Nobody ! But that's OK because, collectively, we will all have no one to appeal to, is that kosher w/ you ?
. . and believe me, there will be wrongful deaths now more than ever, why ? The infusion of incompetent govt physicians and the outright unwillingness of *the government to afford their patients the best, most comprehensive medicine available:

''Sorry Charlie, you're SHIT OUT OF LUCK, we simply can't justify the expense in keeping you alive. Look, you've had 42 years of life already . . . besides it shows here that you're not registered as demokatik ! :mad: :p

* damn this sounds creepy !

What, you think fraud only exists in a case or 2 of medical malpractice?? Hello? People commit fraud in everything where there is money to be gained. That doesn't mean we stop doing shit because of it...:rolleyes:

What g'ment physicians?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Heard today that if you don't take this bullshit health care then your forced to pay 2% of your yearly income? What a crock of shit! So its like those of us who have health care are really paying twice. Once for the deadbeats and once because we already have fucking health care!!!

Gone, obama is fuckin gone in 2 years! I'll vote against this jackass just because! I know my vote doesn't count, but I'm sick of the way this guy uses money...
Well be sure to let me know when Pelosi and her ilk donates some of that $100Mill to the downtrodden :tongue:

Man that'll be the day. That queaving quivering blop of flesh called Pelosi just sits and grins. Yeah grin bitch.
Heard today that if you don't take this bullshit health care then your forced to pay 2% of your yearly income? What a crock of shit! So its like those of us who have health care are really paying twice. Once for the deadbeats and once because we already have fucking health care!!!

Gone, obama is fuckin gone in 2 years! I'll vote against this jackass just because! I know my vote doesn't count, but I'm sick of the way this guy uses money...

YEAH!!:cussing: He could have done something allot more worthwhile like dump nearly a trillion in Iraq "disarming" Saddam of something he had a good idea he didn't have to begin with and giving Iraqis "democracy".

Save the phony outrage "Legz..":1orglaugh
Just to ligthen up the mood, I thought this was a bit appropriate

But, yes, the prick's got to go in 2012. Whatever happened to the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"? This abomination of a health care plan is an outright tax on being alive. Therefore, life is no longer a right but a privilege. The founding principles of America as we know them are agonizing.
But, yes, the prick's got to go in 2012. Whatever happened to the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?

No, you no longer have a right to life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.

What are you talking about?!

You guys are spinning out of control.
No, you no longer have a right to life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.

What are you talking about?!

You guys are spinning out of control.

Now it's "life and give me your money" to dole out to some doofus wif 5 kids on welfare eatin' krippy kreme donuts.
Personally, I don't like this health bill in a lot of ways. It's too half-assed. I don't mean in the way that the people that are against universal health care do either. I don't like it because too many compromises were made and it doesn't go far enough. The fact there is no public option is the absolute worst among them. I bet every health insurance executive is doing a dance considering they will have millions of more people that are forced to buy their services, without the government as a check against them. Thinking the free market is going to regulate things fairly it is laughable. What's really needed is not only to have national health care, but to have the government totally regulate all things closely involved with medicine, or to just take it completely over. I will also say I wasn't a fan of the way it was passed. I will readily admit, it was kind of shady,....but then again it would have never of gotten to this point in the first place if it wasn't for the treats of a filibusters, which I find not only worse but, very constitutionally questionable.

I guess in the sense that the bill is a lot better than nothing, especially for those that were uninsured, or had bad insurance before. (Which I'm among them.) That's a step in the right direction of if nothing else, but like said I'm also not a fan of half-assed measures and this is one. Sometimes if you compromise you get something that's just equally unacceptable to everybody. I don't know. Is a half-assed job better than nothing? It depends, but that doesn't change what it is. Worse it might made getting it right harder latter on because people will settle for the half-assed measure.

Health care should never be treated as a normal business. It should never have been either. A long time ago this country screwed up big time. For some nonsensical reason it was set up so any health care people would receive would come through ones employer. Maybe that appealed to the heartless capitalistic sense about us, but that was a monumentally stupid thing to do and we have been ending up paying for it for the better part of a century now. We were so entrenched in the system we couldn't get out. The problem is that like I said health care can't be treated as a normal business. It's a human right, not something that should be a function of the market. Why it has taken America so long to come to grips with that is shameful. You can't treat something like that in the same way as other things. This isn't like somebody selling paper, DVD, or tacky commemorative dinner plates. Yet that just what we have been doing for a long time.

What also needs to be kept in mind is that despite what some people would want to believe there are certain things, certain industries, where the need is so large and/or the services so vitally important that the only possible way that it can be done in a fair and ethical manner, the only thing big enough and with enough control, the only thing where normal people have a least a miniscule amount of control in it is the government. While I would want the government out of people's lives as much as reasonably possible, I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and deny there are some things that the government is the only one that can even have a chance of fairly doing it for everybody. In those situations it's okay for the government to get involved or even take over. Too many people are against the government to a mindless degree. A vast and healthy skepticism and wariness has morphed into blind illogical despising for too many.

While I don't trust the government in a lot of stuff, I also recognize that corporations are even worse, and despite all the people that like to claim the government is inefficient (which is sometimes true) or incompetent (again also sometimes true), they actually do better than most of those people will admit. It's a good think NASA or the military isn't run by corporations. It's a good thing are mail service isn't either or even our school system as underfunded and messed up as it is. As much as people malign it I bet people would think differently about Social Security if it didn’t exist, or if it was just got it from a corporation. I don't want to depend on a corporate run fire or police department, and I would much rather not have to rely on health care run by a corporation. I will take it's occasional inefficiencies and try to fix it's corruption over those things in system where are even worse because profit is the ultimate goal any day.

Just to ligthen up the mood, I thought this was a bit appropriate

But, yes, the prick's got to go in 2012. Whatever happened to the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"? This abomination of a health care plan is an outright tax on being alive. Therefore, life is no longer a right but a privilege. The founding principles of America as we know them are agonizing.

Please, just roll that statement around in your head a little bit, think about things logically for a change and realize just how dumb the above is. I can't even say that's a gross exaggeration, because at least enormous exaggerations have the tiniest kernels of truth about them. How agonizing, we are finally getting to the point of recognizing a basic human right and acting upon it,...you know only after more than half of century after the rest of the civilized Western world did. I know this is probably a hard concept for people like you to grasp, but contributing back to the society that helped bring you about and even paying for things that don't directly benefit you when it's important to civilization and the well being of everybody in it as a whole isn't a violation of your fundamental rights. That only exist in some darwinistic anarcho fantasy land. Nobody here has gotten any property or made any wealth without the help of others and society in one form or another.
In regards to the new health care bill, this is what you need to know:

- Obamacare is not universal health care, and it sure as hell isn't socialized medicine. Rather than creating a public health system that extends care to every individual, it's a pro-business measure that aims to force every individual to BUY healthcare; thus pumping more funds into the coffers of insurance and pharmaceutical corporations.

- Obamacare forbids the insurance companies from refusing to sell coverage; but it does not prevent them from pricing their policies out of the range of millions of people.

- Obamacare will establish an "insurance exchange" that will operate on the same free market capitalist principles that have done so well in the housing market and finance. It's a recipe for price fixing by the insurance conglomerates, who will extend coverage to the uninsured through the creation of a sub-prime insurance market.

- Obamacare will effectively ban abortions for poor and working women by forcing them into insurance policies sold through the exchange that won't pay for abortions (because government funds can't be used to pay abortions, and the exchange will receive a pathetic subsidy, thus making it partially "government funded").

- If you can't afford to purchase insurance, you will be fined. If you can't afford the fine, you will have committed a crime. So you will run the risk of imprisonment for not being able to pay a fine of hundreds of dollars that was levied against you because you couldn't afford to pay hundreds of dollars for insurance coverage. In effect, this is the resurrection of debtor's prison.

- The teabaggers are using lies about Obamacare to rally unwitting people to their cause: the creation of a fascist government based on a coalition of the billionaires, disenchanted members of the middle class and the state apparatus which will crush the resistance of poor and working people to increasingly impoverishment and immiseration.
BTW, the reason this "reform" is bogus and nothing like the real, progressive reforms of the past (the creation of the 40-hour work week, the creation of the right to organize on the job, the creation of unemployment insurance, the creation of social security, the creation of medicare, etc.) is that those reforms were forced on the billionaire ruling class by sustained struggle on the part of the laboring masses, while Obamacare was concocted in political backrooms by government bureaucrats, middle class union bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists.

It's not a coincidence that all the advanced countries in the world (and even many of the underdeveloped countries) have real universal health care and parties that at least in name represent the working class. We are the only industrialized country without a labor party of any kind.. and without universal health care.
it's armageddon if it passes! so apparently we are now in the final days...wait for christ and pray! also altho i believe this bill is not all it should be i suppose it's at least a start.
Man that'll be the day. That queaving quivering blop of flesh called Pelosi just sits and grins. Yeah grin bitch.

Is it jsut me or does she remind anyone else of Skeletor from He-Man?

BTW, national polls out this week put her approval rating at 11%. ;)
Neither wing of the Capitalist-Imperialist Party (Democratic and Republican) have support among the public at large. But in our great system, that doesn't matter. Whoever gets the support of the corporate giants gets stewardship of the corporatist state. That's been the case for decades. The candidate that gets more campaign donations is the one that has won for the last 60 years.
Neither wing of the Capitalist-Imperialist Party (Democratic and Republican) have support among the public at large. But in our great system, that doesn't matter. Whoever gets the support of the corporate giants gets stewardship of the corporatist state. That's been the case for decades. The candidate that gets more campaign donations is the one that has won for the last 60 years.

Non-partisan studies have shown that both parties get about the same financial support for election bids from "big business." They always cover both angles so they can have influence inside the national political system, and THAT is the systemic problem that keeps our so-called leaders from serving the people instead of looking for ways to control them... it all comes down to money.:2 cents:


YEAH!!:cussing: He could have done something allot more worthwhile like dump nearly a trillion in Iraq "disarming" Saddam of something he had a good idea he didn't have to begin with and giving Iraqis "democracy".

Save the phony outrage "Legz..":1orglaugh

If george bush attempted to enact a line for line copy of yesterdays signed into law health care bill at any time during his 2 terms as potus, the libs would have gone ballistic and catastrophic on the country, you know it and I know it. Would that be ''genuine'' outrage ?

Aside : If four years prepayment doesn't have ponzi scheme written all over it, then the ponzi scheme just plain does not exist ! Seriously when would you ever be required to pay for something in advance . . . 4 years + in advance to be precise ? I'm sorry, any time you have to prepay for an item or service, there's something flakey going on. If I had to guess, this prepay scheme is one of rahm emanuel's creative financing ideas. :1orglaugh . . chicago style baby !!

. . .and if that wasn't enough, I like the way how the gumment will employ the irs to act as gestapo enforcer for prepayment compliance . . . Nice, I can see the home liens piling up already ! :thumbsup: