Pssst!...Thats 8 years.
Has all that time without sex possibly distorted your perception of time?
Should have added, back to sex in 2004.
Pssst!...Thats 8 years.
Has all that time without sex possibly distorted your perception of time?
Does going without sex make guys smarter?
And girls dumber?
Some girls even die...
Random fact #613: Female ferrets can go into extended heat – during which time they must breed or they can die of aplastic anemia – a condition in which the bone marrow stops producing enough new blood cells (caused by estrogen toxicity.) This is because female ferrets are induced ovulators, so mating is required to bring the female out of heat. Intact females, if not mated, will remain in heat, and after some time the high levels of estrogen will cause the bone marrow to stop producing red blood cells.
damn near all 5 years of high school
trying to get laid
Why? Why where you in high school for 5 years?