Lolita Borgia ~ Official 'Cute but Kinky' Thread xXx

.... you look good as a brunette, you look very nice as a blondie, ... and you look EXCELLENT ..with pink hair ... woooowww !


Official Checked Star Member
i apologize. i will try to be less kind in the future, though i dont know how i could manage toning it down when youre the one on the receiving end

Oooh but I do like being on the receiving end *hehe* ;)

Is that you Lolly ?, you look like a . . . . . "Beauty school Dropout" :sing: . I Love it, especially the Colour :heart::heart::heart:

Droput being the operative word lol! :angels:

.... you look good as a brunette, you look very nice as a blondie, ... and you look EXCELLENT ..with pink hair ... woooowww !

Well maybe I should show my pink bits more often *hehe* :rolleyes:

Oooh but I do like being on the receiving end *hehe* ;)

Droput being the operative word lol! :angels:

Well maybe I should show my pink bits more often *hehe* :rolleyes:

I´m totally sure that you should show your [SIZE=4[COLOR="#EE82EE"]Pink BITS [/COLOR]][/SIZE] much more often my Loli ,´re definitely the 1st. female that wears Pink sooo sexxyy + elegant ...
....aaannnddd , ( one can see it especially on YOU ) ,´s absolutely NOT necessary to be a dumbazz just to be a veeerryy beautiful + submissive lady .... ! :lips: :kiss: :lips:


Official Checked Star Member
....aaannnddd , ( one can see it especially on YOU ) ,´s absolutely NOT necessary to be a dumbazz just to be a veeerryy beautiful + submissive lady .... ! :lips: :kiss: :lips:

Absolutely!!! Intelligence is sexy in my opinion - I have no time for #fucktards lol! :bateyes:

so what youre that you would like me to lick those thighs?

Maybe *hehe* :lick: