Lisa Ann will beat Jenna probably, she is hot and is more spicy


Hollywood, CA- Porn Super Star, Lisa Ann , makes her impact felt through out Adult Entertainment's mediums, with Hot New DVDs, XXXX Magazines and packed month of Featured Dancing appearances.

The comeback queen of 2006 is having a media exposure explosion! Lisa Ann is everywhere! Since making her return to performing in front of the cameras again this year, the Italian babe has been causing a frenzy among the Adult Industry!

Private Dancer magazine honored Lisa Ann by making her the October 2006 cover girl, and dedicating several pages of sexy shots to the brunette beauty! The issue is out now for all Lisa Ann lovers to add to their collections, as this is one of her hottest magazine covers to date. Private Dancer is not the only magazine to recognize the hotness that is Lisa Ann…. High Society and Busty Beauties, both, showcase the superstar in their pages with some scorching layouts.

With her popularity skyrocketing to legendary levels, magazines aren't the only thing Lisa Ann is on the cover of, as a new batch of XXX DVDs are released this month. Dirty Love (Adam & Eve), Ripe & Ready MILFs (VCA), and Momma Knows Best (Red Light District), all prominently display her on the cover. These DVDs along with others starring Lisa Ann, like The Sex Whisperer (Spice Studio), are available now. Watch her Sex Scenes and see why she is such high demand! The woman is tenacious with her fucking abilities!

All that exposure, most girls would take the opportunity to take a break, but Lisa Ann is not most girls and proves it as she kicks it into high gear with a packed month of Feature Dancing appearances throughout November. Hitting South Carolina (Heartbreakers ), Idaho and back to California (Spearmint Rhinos ) for several dates, Lisa Ann will be tearing up the stage, performing and sexily stripping down in front of expected packed houses of fans!

November is going to be one memorable month for Lisa Ann fans, as well as a good jumping on point for new admirers, with DVDs, Magazine, Feature Dancing appearances! To be her best, Lisa Ann took October off to charge up for the following months as November also marks when she will announce her biggest adventure in the entire 12 year career in Adult Entertainment! It will all be CLEAR soon, and she could not be more excited about it….

November 9th - 11th, Lisa Ann at Heartbreakers, 800 Bush River Rd., Columbia, South Carolina; 803.798.7788

November 16th - 18th, Lisa Ann at Spearmint Rhino: Boise, 1500 Grove Street, Boise, Idaho 83703; 208.429.8229

November 30th - December 2nd, Lisa Ann at Spearmint Rhino: Downtown L.A., 2020 East Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90021; 213.629.9213. http://www.spearmintrhinocom

Magazine Cover by Private Dancer Magazine,

For more Lisa Ann, Pleases visit

or her yahoo group,
here ya go boys
double zinger!


Hi TandAforlife,

erm, did post the black stockings sets short time ago dude....:1orglaugh

:o :o :o just thought to note before you put the rest of the set on, nice to keep thread quality i think, praise for having found them always welcome!!!
Can't believe how fit she is for her age .... she's gotten better over the years !! Some of the new girls these days are completely out of shape compared to her...



Lisa Ann said of her new venture, "Being in the industry in
the '90s, and coming back now and seeing the changes the business is
faced with, I think there's a need for this. I don't think that I'll
be competing with other agencies, because what I'm offering will be
a lot different. Customer service for the producers, directors and
photographers will be much different."

She said her experience in the business gave her insight into
helping talent grow and thrive in the adult entertainment
business. "I think the girls really want to do more interviews and
PR," Lisa Ann told, "but they're not educated on what they
can do to extend their shelf life in the industry. I think that me
being in the industry for the amount of years I have been and still
being able to get feature bookings, still being able to shoot when I
choose to, gives them an idea of what I can do. It's an example of a
girl who'd stuck with her path and here she still is."

Is she worried about the cutthroat competition that exists in this
industry? "Business is about competition," Lisa Ann theorized, "and
there's going to be other agencies and other people out there who
are going to want to compete, but we're planning to offer something
different. The fact that we can put people in contact with others
and not be worried about people stealing contacts."

As for choosing the name Clear Talent Management, Lisa Ann
explained, "I've been on sets and I've seen that sometimes things
aren't always clear. The rates aren't always clear. I want
everything to be accurate."

Lisa Ann stressed that her launch is a team effort. "I have a team.
Right now we're a team of three. One would be my assistant, and
she'll be taking care of the phones. Then we have someone who's
handling all the business, and I'll be the face of the company. I've
already been networking with talent – and I have a pretty solid
group of talent who will be with me – and I've been networking about
different kinds of jobs so they won't just be shooting scenes five
days a week. The girls are great eye candy and they don't always
have to take their clothes off to be eye candy."



The moment alot of Lisa Ann fans have been waiting for since she began
her career in adult entertainment more than 12 years ago is just hours
away. On this date November 7th 2006 Zero Tolerence will be releasing
ASS CLEAVAGE 8. This will be the first time EVER that Lisa Ann has
done an ANAL scene on camera. She looks so
beautiful on the cover. The producers @ Zero Tolerence are not dummies
they know how to market products...put Lisa Ann on the cover...make
For all things Lisa Ann

The moment alot of Lisa Ann fans have been waiting for since she began
her career in adult entertainment more than 12 years ago is just hours
away. On this date November 7th 2006 Zero Tolerence will be releasing
ASS CLEAVAGE 8. This will be the first time EVER that Lisa Ann has
done an ANAL scene on camera. She looks so
beautiful on the cover. The producers @ Zero Tolerence are not dummies
they know how to market products...put Lisa Ann on the cover...make
For all things Lisa Ann

OH YEAH!!!! cant wait to see that