Lisa Ann vs Shyla Stylez - More deadly with a spear?

Which of these women is more deadly with a spear?

  • Lisa Ann

    Votes: 24 53.3%
  • Shyla Stylez

    Votes: 21 46.7%

  • Total voters


Are they hunting one another?
I suppose they could be. For murder purposes only, of course. These girls aren't cannibals... Or are they? Shit, you'd have to ask them really. Are they members here?

Are they hunting me?
Sexual harrasment is best cured with a spear. This could be quite likely.

If not what are they hunting, whales, baby seals, bears?
Lisa 'Ahab' Ann is probably hunting whales.

Could I hold the spear?
You'd have to ask the health and safety officer on site. I'm going to say no for now though. I don't believe you have any previous training. I could be wrong though!

Do fish ever contemplate their own existence?
Yes, but then they forget 2 seconds later.

Will FreeOnes ever be as great a place to post as it was a year or two back?
Fuck no.
I suppose they could be. For murder purposes only, of course. These girls aren't cannibals... Or are they? Shit, you'd have to ask them really. Are they members here?

I don't believe they are, but they obviously have a taste for the sweetest of the sweet meats it's right up there on the screen for all to see. I would indeed like to watch a pornstar human hunt, maybe that can be VH1's newest reality show?

Sexual harrasment is best cured with a spear. This could be quite likely.

Fucking whores! If they don't like being judged as mere sex objects in the real world then they shouldn't have gotten into this business in the first place!

I mean really, who calls the police and gets and injunction put upon a person for filming them in their sleep and ejaculating in the Thanksgiving turkey.

It's madness!

Lisa 'Ahab' Ann is probably hunting whales.

Where be Queequeg?

You'd have to ask the health and safety officer on site. I'm going to say no for now though. I don't believe you have any previous training. I could be wrong though!

*Daily Mail type outrage*

You can't say or do anything in this country these days Spleen without the damn PC brigade coming in and telling you how wrong you are, it's disgusting. I mean you can't even write racial epithets on the front door of your Asian neighbour in your own excrement anymore without those fucking PC bastards telling you, you're wrong.

It's political correctness gone mad!

Yes, but then they forget 2 seconds later.

Shame, I'm sure if they realised how meagre and worthless they actually are and I' don't doubt that there would be far more suicides within the fish population than there is now.

Have you ever seen a fish commit suicide? No, neither have I and I need to.

... I thought this would be you answer. :(

*shoots self in the head*

Uhm... what was the question again?


I don't really know anymore myself. Something about penis?


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Bronze Member
As both have performed with Randy Spears, it is tricky.

But Lisa Ann seems to be more intense, so I voted for her.
Lisa Ann has the formidable arms, but I think Shyla's legs would carry her farther Plus, all the junk in the trunk would restrict Lisa Ann from reaching the same top speed I think.
They both appear equally well equipped to have mastered the spam javelin, although as far as technique goes, I think Lisa Ann has a better grip.
Shyla for me. The reasons, I don\t know. She seems to have the more intense, killer eyes for me. I could sse her being very accurate. Though I feel like am dribbling crap. This is a very odd thread indeed? Any particular reason for this, or was it just you were looking at spears and porn on the net. Not trying to have a go, just trying to work out the logic.
either of them would be able to distract the target by bouncing those luscious mounds of it's a wash.