Life-Long Learning - Student in his 108th Semester


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is a news story from my hometown. There is a guy studying medicine, he is 70 and he is currently in his 108th semester.

Our university, the Christian-Albrechts-University has no policy for making students leave who are taking places away from new students, who would probably be more eager to actually finish.

How is the situation in your towns? And: What do you think about this?

One semester costs the university around 100.000 Euros, if I am correctly informed


Closed Account
So he has been studying for 54 years. He has tenacity. Does he fail the semester(s) or is he taking every course that has to do with medicine?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
He is either really dedicated or really stupid. Or both, quite possibly. He's not exactly Rudy, though, being European and all...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Most people go to college for 7 years.
Yes their called doctors!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So he has been studying for 54 years. He has tenacity. Does he fail the semester(s) or is he taking every course that has to do with medicine?

I will do some follow-up research...

Guess he is just taking courses, whichever please him atm

Keep ya posted ;)


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A long time ago I worked at a summer camp. Huge operation. Professional tennis instructors. Private lake with certified swim instructors and a small aircraft landing strip where they had their own plane. The son of the owner was one of the under bosses there. He went to 4 different schools over 7 years and still had no degree. He was going to be a PE teacher. We all knew him as a professional student. The old man died and mom just let him run the business. It is no longer a summer camp but a day camp. A shell of what it used to be. Wonder if they started building condos yet.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
A friend of mine used to study first chem, later physics, but not really show up in the uni.

Instead he got a job at a metal sop, where they built small series of balconies, worked for a local club owner who gave them the startup credit to open the shop etc.

My buddy could thus pretty much work as he pleased, and when it comes to taxes, he got his taxes back, as a student.

Gladly, now he has switched to an engineer course, finished it and works in the company another friends owns.
In Mexico City at UNAM they're called "fosils". All they do is occupy a place that would be taken by a student who really does intend to learn and move on. Some of them have been "students" since the early 70's. Good thing that Mexico's best university, the Tec de Monterrey, doesn't allow that by making it very hard (and expensive) for someone to be a "career student" ***cough*** Sandra Fluke ***cough***