Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

I find everybody to be complete assholes. Humanity!
narrows it down lulz

Its the same thing suffering and evil are human bred concepts....We are flawed I suppose you got merit why create such flawed creations....But thats the thing he doesnt exist. The Big Bang is god, Physics and the laws by which the universe are govern is god.....We have only scratched the surface but thats the cold hard facts.....Its a very hard spiritual pill to swallow after all no one wants to die. Everyone wants to be rewarded as well.

Mans killer instinct, The force known as need which equates to greed.......All evolutionary aspects that mother nature provided in order to propagate our species. Even religion is evolutionary advantageous as it creates communities. All other stuff like unspeakable acts are mental imbalances, Where the darker base impulses override logic and social conditioning has broken down.

Armageddon is going to be 1 of 4 options, HEAR ME NOW, HEAR ME NOW!

1. Self destruction. Aided by the coming environmental disasters a true cluster fuck created by us
2. Our sun decides to go nova
3. The universe for some reason decides to not expand but implode
4. Extinction level event like an asteroid hitting earth.....Also a statistical chance which can probably be calculated by like the next generation of super computers.

Er, I guess this was a response to me and by the tone of it you seem to think I'm coming from the theist side in the argument - I am not. Of course suffering and evil are human concepts when discussed in the secular realm. But they are not in the theists because they are part of the "creation". That's the crux of the argument right there, why would such a god that is all knowing, all powerful and loving allow for such a process to begin to exist? Unless of course this god isn't there to begin with. Secularly the question of "why" they exist is easily answered, theistically it is not. That is why, hundreds of years after the arguments inception it's still debated.

But I really couldn't give a shit to be honest. I was just spelling out the main bulk of his argumentation.

2. Our sun decides to go nova

Our sun will not go Nova, it is far too small for that. It'll turn into a red giant which will consume the earth. So still the end of the earth, but not in such a violent way. ;)


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Er, I guess this was a response to me and by the tone of it you seem to think I'm coming from the theist side in the argument - I am not. Of course suffering and evil are human concepts when discussed in the secular realm. But they are not in the theists because they are part of the "creation". That's the crux of the argument right there, why would such a god that is all knowing, all powerful and loving allow for such a process to begin to exist? Unless of course this god isn't there to begin with. Secularly the question of "why" they exist is easily answered, theistically it is not. That is why, hundreds of years after the arguments inception it's still debated.

But I really couldn't give a shit to be honest. I was just spelling out the main bulk of his argumentation.

Our sun will not go Nova, it is far too small for that. It'll turn into a red giant which will consume the earth. So still the end of the earth, but not in such a violent way. ;)

Good reply wasnt referring to you but anyway........The debate is bullshit. Using morality to justify creation theology is utter bullshit. Morality is common sense, Its about social health and continuation of the species. The imaginary figure known as God did not invent morality. Killing your fellow man, not raising your kids well is counter productive its that simple. As for everything else like monogamy, relationships ectera ectera its all social conditioning. Social conditioning is the real reason religion still exists I mean its rather convenient that its all fits nicely to favour blokes.....Why couldnt this imaginary figure have been a chick?

Religious folks are always slippery and can always find some little smidgen of fact to lodge onto, Use as a foundation, Then they add the good old bullshit mortar and build a solid wall of dung thats somehow justifies everything.

Fact is a bunch of blokes got together tapped into this need humanity has, or in some cases a really visionary smart dude. Mohammed, Jesus. Laid down the groundwork to which other dudes came on the scene and added to.....Its a human fabrication and always will be a human fabrication thats why nothing divine will ever happen its a lie.........We love lies! Of course only when we believe them.
Guess it's time for you to eat your .357...?
I've read your posts...there's nowhere to go but down.:crash:
You know, I try to refrain from getting into these little cute arguments with you, but I am seriously baffled at how the moderators continue to let you post and somehow I get a week ban for pointing out how much of a useless troll you are. This is ridiculous. Every post you make is obviously flame bait, I don't know how the moderators could possibly be so fucking blind.
But the biggest assholes are the easiest to get into. What the hell is your objection?


My objection? They're just utter and complete shitters (besides the ones on FO that are cool, of course).

America is based on deism. If these parade rain'ers don't like it, take a hike. Don't go to the capital every damn Christmas and create a hissy fit, you pompous ass scrooges.

There...I don't like 'em. :thefinger


You know, I try to refrain from getting into these little cute arguments with you, but I am seriously baffled at how the moderators continue to let you post and somehow I get a week ban for pointing out how much of a troll you are. This is ridiculous. Every post you make is obviously flame bait, I don't know how the moderators could possibly be so fucking blind.

Is it possible you really are a "conservative, God fearing, non-exclusive male" and have a low IQ? That would explain things...;)
I'm assuming you're in your 30's. Only an assumption because I genuinely don't care how old you are, but you remind me of a child, maybe aged 13-14, that just figured out what the internet is and just learned to talk shit in chat rooms (tee hee hee).
Good reply wasnt referring to you but anyway........The debate is bullshit. Using morality to justify creation theology is utter bullshit. Morality is common sense, Its about social health and continuation of the species. The imaginary figure known as God did not invent morality. Killing your fellow man, not raising your kids well is counter productive its that simple. As for everything else like monogamy, relationships ectera ectera its all social conditioning. Social conditioning is the real reason religion still exists I mean its rather convenient that its all fits nicely to favour blokes.....Why couldnt this imaginary figure have been a chick?

Religious folks are always slippery and can always find some little smidgen of fact to lodge onto, Use as a foundation, Then they add the good old bullshit mortar and build a solid wall of dung thats somehow justifies everything.

Fact is a bunch of blokes got together tapped into this need humanity has, or in some cases a really visionary smart dude. Mohammed, Jesus. Laid down the groundwork to which other dudes came on the scene and added to.....Its a human fabrication and always will be a human fabrication thats why nothing divine will ever happen its a lie.........We love lies! Of course only when we believe them.

Good post.

For a moment there I was expecting two atheists to get into a debate over religion which wouldn't help our street-cred at all. :D
But the biggest assholes are the easiest to get into. What the hell is your objection?


My objection? They're just utter and complete shitters (besides the ones on FO that are cool, of course).

America is based on deism. If these parade rain'ers don't like it, take a hike. Don't go to the capital every damn Christmas and create a hissy fit, you pompous ass scrooges.

There...I don't like 'em. :thefinger

Plus, they smell funny.


I'm assuming you're in your 30's. Only an assumption because I genuinely don't care how old you are, but you remind me of a child, maybe aged 13-14, that just figured out what the internet is and just learned to talk shit in chat rooms (tee hee hee).

Wow...a Klingon that goes "tee hee hee'...only on the 'Net...!

Will E Worm

Religion is the opiate of the masses and the worlds leading cause of death. The only thing religion has ever been good at is starting wars or it has been used as an excuse to start wars. Not something I want to be apart of, but have at it.:D

No, that is an excuse by people who know nothing about what they are talking about.

God (standard issue Christian God to be exact), is merely a thought at this point. The wide expanse of the universe is ungodly (no pun intended) larger than a thought.

I'm not even particularly anti-religion/Christianity. Who knew!?

No, you and a lot of people are just Christian-phobics. :tongue::wave:


He has been dead awhile and knows what hell feels like. :tongue:

And yet atheists believe the universe started itself through some kind of happy accident. Does anyone else see the lack of common sense here?

I know. How did the universe start?

:uohs: Um, out of nothing. :helpme:



Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
There are a lot of us smarter people out there that are morally liberal, financially fiscal, and identify as republican. We don't agree with the NeoCons in our party, and many of us are more libertarian than anything else, but vote republican to balance the powers.

I despise government handouts to freeloaders. Helping is one thing, holding your hand for life is another.

I don't think anyone likes freeloaders who are lazy and simply looking for a handout. I certainly don't. But let me ask you this: how many people do you know or have ever met who actually meet that description?

I know you're against people like that but for the most part, I don't believe many people like that really exist anymore. Sure, there are always going to be a few losers here and there who don't want to work and want to get as many freebies as possible, but compared to the vast number of Americans who truly want to work and make money and have at least some success and financial security, those freeloaders are in the vast minority.

The trouble is, conservatives and Republicans have been using the concept of the lazy, handout-seeking non-worker as a campaigning drumbeat to rally their voting base since before Reagan took office, making it seem like there are millions and millions of them crawling all over the place, all the while demonizing Democrats and liberals as wanting to just give those losers other people's money.

The reality is that most people do want to work, but since Reagan, most of the tax breaks and financial incentives have been given to the people who already have all the money, i.e. big banks and big corporations. Conservatives get all riled up about "redistribution of wealth" but the truth is that the last 30 years we've been seeing exactly that -- only it's been redistribution of wealth UPWARD.

Remember Reagan's "trickle down" theory and supply-side economics? Those policies were put in place in the early 80's and have pretty much been in place ever since. The whole idea behind that was to deregulate everything so that we could give all the economic breaks to the big banks and corporations so they could make even more money and thus pay more in taxes and also re-invest that money back into themselves and create more jobs and wealth for everyone.

It was a great theory, but the problem is that it forgot to account for one major thing: human greed. Instead of investing that extra money in their companies to grow jobs and pay their workers more, the people in charge of those companies kept the money and used it to pay their top execs bigger bonuses. They also didn't use it to create new jobs in America. Instead, they used their influence to change all the trade laws so that they could simply farm out most new jobs to 3rd world countries in order to cut costs further and pad their stock prices even more, allowing them to pay themselves even bigger bonuses again.

This is why Republicans are always such die-hard free trade loyalists, because it helps big business while undercutting the working class. Republicans know their policies undercut the working class and so they try to distract that group with hysteria about "handouts" and "big government" and also get people riled up about social issues like abortion and gay marriage. They do all this because if the vast majority of voters knew that they were actually voting against their own economic interests by voting Republican, they would never win an election.

The Republicans are also extremely good at giving people what is now the false hope that, if they just work hard enough, they have the chance to get rich just like the rich people they see. This may have been the case five or six decades ago, when a middle class person could go open up a little store or small business that had a chance to grow into a big business, but that doesn't happen anymore. Instead, pretty much all small businesses out there are at the mercy of their larger competitors who have a lot more power, money and influence to make sure small businesses don't become any serious competition for them.

Republicans and conservatives get all high and mighty about lowering taxes so that people can keep more of their own money and use that to get rich, but the truth is, those people are never going to get rich, no matter how much they save or how much they work. We are almost all at the mercy of big corporations and banks now, and it's in their interest to keep us all that way, so they will use their considerable influence and money to make sure the status quo stays that way by paying workers less and undercutting in other ways. Sure there are always going to be a few people who get rich and do well, but those people are in the vast minority. Instead we've got middle-class wages that have basically flatlined for decade and not remotely kept up with the inflation rate and cost-of-living, putting more pressure on people who actually do work and want to make a real living.

I used to be very conservative but when I actually got out into the real world and saw that the truth I just outlined above and realized that the whole "handout" thing was basically a lie, I changed my tune. I wouldn't call myself "liberal" really, but I definitely see the BS behind most of what conservatives talk about. With the economic policies that are in place now, the idea that individual citizens have a legitimate chance to get rich if they just work hard enough is like telling young African American inner-city kids that if they just work hard enough they can go be NBA superstars like LeBron or Kobe.