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Will E Worm

Liberal Left War on Women and Motherhood Reveals Itself Through Hilary Rosen

Individualism is dangerous to authoritarian ideologies like American Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and the list goes on. In order to be able to properly control the populace the people must be broken down into a homogeneous mass where individual thought, actions, and relationships are eliminated. The emphasis is placed on community over the individual.

The individual is taught that without government he or she is incapable of making reasonable decisions, or even take care of themselves (remember the “it takes a village to raise a child” comment by Hillary Clinton?). Those who have succeeded through individual decisions are then marked as the enemy, and the people are convinced that those rich individuals must be punished, and their wealth must be redistributed back to the “less fortunate” people for fairness. Ultimately, the perfect society according to these people, are where the ruling elite controls the economic means of production in the society, and the net beneficiaries of government outnumber and dominate those that remain as the individual producers of the society, making the populace largely dependent upon the government - until of course utopia is reached and the people live in communes and shed the shackles of money and government.

The destruction of any institution that encourages individuality, personal responsibility, self-reliance, and allegiance to anything else other than the nationalistic government ruled over by a ruling elite is paramount, for these statists.

Marriage, family, and defined individual roles in those family units, have come under attack as a result.


Will E Worm

The Democrats' war on women continues

So the Democrats' class war continues, taking a nasty side turn as Democrat operative Hilary Rosen criticized Ann Romney merely as a stay at home mom who "has actually never worked a day in her life" v working moms "with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing, in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school". Later defending herself against the storm her comments caused, Rosen turned herself, predictably, into a victim before repeating her previous accusations--to try to score some political points.



Well, your OP had nothing to do with the title and your 2nd post refers to one idiot running her mouth and everyone else running away. You have Gingrich, we have Rosen. Deal with it.
Well, your OP had nothing to do with the title and your 2nd post refers to one idiot running her mouth and everyone else running away. You have Gingrich, we have Rosen. Deal with it.

Correction: they have Gingrich, Santorum, Cain, McDonnell, Walker, Snyder, Palin, the House of Reps, O'Reilly, and we have Rosen.
Who cares about Ann Romney ? As far as I know, Mitt is the Republican candidate, he and his vice-president will rule the country, not Ann Romney !
Is talking about Ann Romney the best thing Hilary Rosen can do to fight Mitt ?

God bless America, I thought the french presidential campaign (wich, thank god, is coming to an end, we'll be voting on April 22nd and May 6th) was terrible but the American campaign seems even worst !
Who cares about Ann Romney ? As far as I know, Mitt is the Republican candidate, he and his vice-president will rule the country, not Ann Romney !
Is talking about Ann Romney the best thing Hilary Rosen can do to fight Mitt ?

God bless America, I thought the french presidential campaign (wich, thank god, is coming to an end, we'll be voting on April 22nd and May 6th) was terrible but the American campaign seems even worst !

Believe me its hell. I wish we could be like the U.K and have a two week election campaign.
Who cares about Ann Romney ? As far as I know, Mitt is the Republican candidate, he and his vice-president will rule the country, not Ann Romney !
Is talking about Ann Romney the best thing Hilary Rosen can do to fight Mitt ?

God bless America, I thought the french presidential campaign (wich, thank god, is coming to an end, we'll be voting on April 22nd and May 6th) was terrible but the American campaign seems even worst !

Believe me its hell. I wish we could be like the U.K and have a two week election campaign.


Who cares about Ann Romney ? As far as I know, Mitt is the Republican candidate, he and his vice-president will rule the country, not Ann Romney !
Is talking about Ann Romney the best thing Hilary Rosen can do to fight Mitt ?

God bless America, I thought the french presidential campaign (wich, thank god, is coming to an end, we'll be voting on April 22nd and May 6th) was terrible but the American campaign seems even worst !

Without defending anything or anybody at all, shit like this wouldn't have happened 20 years ago and before. But now there's soooo fuckin' many networks, websites, hosts, analysts, etc ...:rolleyes:...that they'll take anything, anything that they can get just to have something to blather on about for their segment, let alone their whole show. Again, in the past a "story" like this would have been sucked out of the womb by a Bissell vacuum and tossed in the dumpster (a little Bill Hicks imagery for you pro-lifers out there :thefinger). Now the 3rd-tier never-heard-of-'ems have something to get their street cred on about.

Utterly hopeless. :surprise:
From the entire post, this caught my eye:
Those who have succeeded through individual decisions are then marked as the enemy....

Now remember, Will, in a liberal's mind NOBODY has succceded or can succeed on his/her own. You know anyone who's gone from being on food stamps and wellfare to having his/her own successful career? If it hadn't been for the lib's "caring hearts" that person would have (probably?) starved to death....or they'll just come up with some shit like that in order to deny that individuality and self reliance can bring success. In other words, they want to make us believe that without them we're doomed, I tells ya!! DOOOOOOOOOMEEDD!!!!

Will E Worm

Who cares about Ann Romney ? As far as I know, Mitt is the Republican candidate, he and his vice-president will rule the country, not Ann Romney !
Is talking about Ann Romney the best thing Hilary Rosen can do to fight Mitt ?

God bless America, I thought the french presidential campaign (wich, thank god, is coming to an end, we'll be voting on April 22nd and May 6th) was terrible but the American campaign seems even worst !

That is the best Rosen can do. She is pathetic. ;)

From the entire post, this caught my eye:

Now remember, Will, in a liberal's mind NOBODY has succceded or can succeed on his/her own. You know anyone who's gone from being on food stamps and wellfare to having his/her own successful career? If it hadn't been for the lib's "caring hearts" that person would have (probably?) starved to death....or they'll just come up with some shit like that in order to deny that individuality and self reliance can bring success. In other words, they want to make us believe that without them we're doomed, I tells ya!! DOOOOOOOOOMEEDD!!!!

Nice sarcasm. Many people have succeeded on their own. ;)

I will agree we do need some help for people. Not like the current corrupt welfare system.

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. Elizabeth Warren :facepalm:

More liberal :bs: :baconsalt:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
"Individualism is dangerous to authoritarian ideologies"

So true. You can see this in the IRS' eyes. They tax the Hell out of small business, yet they say that small business runs America.
They praise yet vilify it in the same stream of urine. Don't go after the huge corporations, because they have endless lawyers to cause grief to the IRS. The little guy, nope.

"The individual is taught that without government he or she is incapable of making reasonable decisions"

This is evident in the Katrina disaster. "Help us", "Help us", and a week later... And oddly enough it's still evident now. You think people would have learned, but they're lemmings.

"Marriage, family, and defined individual roles in those family units, have come under attack as a result."

Oh let's not forget that the IRS taxes being married. There is actually a marriage tax.

(These are all true)

Arizona: Passed bill that that will prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors who withhold information from a woman that could cause her to have an abortion. Basically doctors can lie to women about the unborn child's health and escape wrongful birth suits.

Wisconsin: Republican Governor Scott Walker has repealed Wisconsin's equal pay for women law. The law was designed to allow women to sue their employers for discrimination if they were paid less than their male counterparts.

Kansas: This bill was later repealed but Topeka lawmakers passed a bill which legalized domestic violence

Virginia: Passed a bill that requires women who want an abortion to undergo a transvaginal probe for no medical reason

Mississippi: Proposed "personhood" amendment that would have defined life as starting at conception, and outlawed abortion and many forms of birth control if passed

U.S. House of Reps: House of Representatives passed a measure to end federal funding for abortion provider Planned Parenthood

And it's the Democrats who are leading the war on women?:facepalm:


Lord Dipstick
-Mitt Romney is now a leading voice in the War on Women, having made an anti-choice pledge and opposing abortion EVEN when a woman's health is in danger. He also supports eliminating all federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
-Newt Gingrich’s anti-women views are absolutely horrific. As a member of Congress, he voted for anti-choice policies 72 times and even wanted to bar Washington D.C. from using local tax dollars to fund health care for low-income women.
-Rick Santorum believes women should have no choice over the course of their pregnancy, even if they have been victims of rape or incest. He's called Planned Parenthood "poisonous" and opposes any and ALL methods of birth control for women.

These Dems listed above should disgust everyone with their blatant hatred for women!