HANDS DOWN LEXI!! the picture at top (which everyone has pointed out) is a horrible representation of Lexi's cute, innocent, adorable, fuckable allure.
haha. slipknot, I thought that was pretty good.
in fact, too good.
the male hair color scale goes as follows: Blond, Brown, Red, and Other, meaning something that is not any combination of the later categories.
I meant that is the scale for how males view hair color. usually for a female. I don't hear too many guys talking about other dude's hair.
wow talk about a close call.. I didn't use any links supplied in this thread I checked each starlets FO's galleries... I almost have to call this toss up a draw! but I think I am gonna have to give a slight edge to riley mason because of hair color; I don't like real blonde or white hair; but I don't really like jet black hair either.. I like brunette's more than blonde's 95% of the time; I think I like dirty blonde's which I consider a cross between blonde and brunette.. its so hard for us guys to describe womans hair (well atleast its a problem for me) lol; if that makes any sense? :dunno::hatsoff:
I know what you mean :1orglaugh which is why it's so convenient that Lexi Belle has gone through about a million hair color changes! check it:
Personally i like her brunette too :glugglug:
No they look nothing alike and by the way thats the worst pic I've ever seen of lexi! She is so much prettier than that, and with that pic people would think shes a bowser!