Letterman over the line on Palin daughter?

I think Letterman was completely out of line joking about A-Rod knocking up Palin's daughter.
What would have happened to Letterman if he had made a joke like that about one of Obama's daughters?
What would have happened to Letterman if he had made a joke like that about one of Obama's daughters?

I assume he would be similarly ostracized and he would have apologized within a day as he's done here.:dunno:
He made a joke about an adult girl (who got pregnant out of wedlock) getting knocked up again. What's the big deal?

And don't tell me he was talking about the 14 year old. Anyone who thinks he meant anyone other than 18 year old Bristol is too stupid to watch Letterman.

I often wonder how joke screening works. Obviously, someone has to say, "that's okay to say," but since it's live, the guy giving the jokes has stick with the earlier decision.


Land Of The Snakes
He made a joke about an adult girl (who got pregnant out of wedlock) getting knocked up again. What's the big deal?

And don't tell me he was talking about the 14 year old. Anyone who thinks he meant anyone other than 18 year old Bristol is too stupid to watch Letterman.


yeap that's who he was talking about the 18yr old slutty daughter! so Fuck what ever sara palin said. what the hell she was doing at yankee stadium she's a baseball fan now please!
What would have happened to Letterman if he had made a joke like that about one of Obama's daughters?
And What would have happened if had made a joke like that about George W. Bush's Daughters ?
And What would have happened if had made a joke like that about George W. Bush's Daughters ?

What if, what if, what if, what if...We can "what if" from sun up to sun down. The fact is Letterman DID make the joke about Palin's daughter. It was at least in poor taste and fairly insulting to Palin, her daughter and A-Rod IMO.
There are no lines. What most of those people have to say doesn't really matter. Especially if what that is is just lame jokes.

Know what I mean, jellybean?
I didn't see it and i am already laughing at it, so no, it wasn't over the line. If she lost a little weight I'd definitely do her... hell, I'd do her with the weight (who am i kidding)
I laugh when people on a porn message board are offended by shit like this. Still not as bad as some people on here who are offended by swearing. Unbelievable.

I'm not offended. The joke wasn't directed at me or anyone else here...the question is (question) whether or not it crossed the line which we all know jokes can cross lines.

I know Bristol has been pregnant and given birth but blast this 18 year old in front of millions of people just because her mother is a public figure is pretty bad.

I take that back, making a joke about a celebrity or politician's child is not inherently bad....joking about them getting knocked up the way he did wasn't cool IMO.

Some people may disagree, that's why I posed the question.