^^^ Wow, thats pretty low, brazzers.
And regarding Layla doing b/g porn: Look, no nude model (nor any woman) is under any obligation to have sex with men on camera for our pleasure. But I'm gonna just come out & say it: If you announce at the beginning of 1 of your solo masturbation videos that you are now going to be filming hardcore porn, and after a year all you've released is even more solo & lez videos (which you'd already done before) then I'm sorry, but you're an asshole.
EIther do it or don't. If you don't wanna fuck guys on camera because of X, Y, Z... then great. But don't announce that you are just to generate some extra attention for yourself (eg - extra website hits/subscriptions, newsstand magazine buys & ultimately $ in your pocket) and then NOT keep your word. If you have no intention of actually following thru, then just STFU about it altogether. Or at least release a follow up video where you mention that you now can't do b/g porn anymore because you found Jesus or whatever the case may be.
Doesn't this seem reasonable?