

I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Get the one that Randy Quaid played in Caddy Shack 2.

Jon S.

The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.
I did to fight a ticket for "driving too fast for the weather conditions" that I received from a "nice" State Trooper when I had an accident on icy roads back in '89. I fought it all the way up to an actual trial at the courthouse. Though I was only 18 at the time, and had no experience with trials or the law.....I actually made the Trooper look like a fool on the witness stand during cross-examination AND I actually WON the case & had the ticket tossed! It was a bench trial....BUT, I did win!!! Sooooo, foolish as it USUALLY is to represent yourself....I did & I won at the young age of 18!!! Soooo, sometimes it does work! Kinda have to go with a cost benefits analysis!
Answer the question, for what? First....


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I like cheap ass lawyers

Then, honestly, hit a few strip malls, chose the one with the gaudiest, most lizardly self-promoting advertising.

They may not be great, but they'll fight hard to get every nickel; if only so they can pay the enormous malpractice insurance and alimony most strip mall lawyers live under the yolk of.

Good luck.
I want to sue someone for a quarter their paycheck.

Lemme guess M/B you were sitting in your cube and someone asked you to make a quick copy of something for you you think you have a cause of action and are owed .25 of their pay?:1orglaugh

Unless this person is Oprah, Trump or some other schlep...most lawyers are going to tell you to got to small claims...or don't waste your time and money altogether.
Call Ron Bell