Oh wow and illegal immigrant thread!
I'm sorry.
Oh wow an undocumented worker thread!
Well here is the deal, off the cuff no editingg at all.
Why are there so many illegals in the US? Why are so many coming in?
Well it sure isn't because jobs are plentyful and the ecomony is booming.
It's not the 90's anymore. Back when most illegals, especially in sub urban areas, were mostly young guys here to make some dinero and send back to la familia via western union.
Today what we see is men and women with children.
Now I don't know if they are all lawyers and doctors but last I looked it wasn't easy raising a family of 5-7 in the USA.
And when I see them everytime I go to the supermarket with shopping carts overflowing including about 6 gallons of milk I gotta wonder.
It's the same in the USA as is in Europe right now.
The GOV's of these countries promising the poorest of the poor, the most uneducated and unskilled whether it be from Mexico, Nigeria,Syria, Cameroon or any country we've unmercifully carpet bombed (too many to list) a nice benefit package including free food, rent, medical (baby delivery especial), and spending money.
Most people who are doing ok or even are successful in their own country don't want to leave.
Most people love their homes and country.
Allowing mass immigration will filter out the people until it's just the poor and uneducated who will leave their homes.
I know many illegals work but I also know that the women are almost all on public assistance- big time.
I'm not going to debate that because it's true.
So now the BIG PIC. Why would governments allow this? Well it's more allow in the US but it's more promote in Europe.
Why? Please don't say cheap labor, if you do go find a bus and jump in front of it.
It's a big plan. It's not happening by accident, it's not coincidence.
Bunch us all together. Sure there will be resistence, maybe even a revolt or two. But in the end we will all be molded together and will have no cultural, racial, or patriotic identity worth fighting for.
Then they make their move.
And if the people attempt to vote out the prostitue politicians responsible well we have a great propaganda machine we call the mainstream media and election rigging to cure that.
Now that I think of it all the politicians are prostitutes. They wouldn't have made it so far if they weren't.
(Unless they were a billionaire business man who actually might want to help save his country, Nah).
Who owns the politicians and the entire media? Who controls what domestic and foriegn policys and relations are?
Who controls literally everything we see,read and hear? Who controls the drug epidemics in these countries?
Who controls the endless war machinery? Who's behind all the laws and executive actions that take away our rights and throw the bill of rights out the window?
This one percent of one percent of one percent who control everything. They own us and they are 100% the manipulaters of the mass immigration exclusively in mostly white christian countries.
Power hungry money junkies who believe in nothing and could make the world a better place but instead choose to ruin it for everbody before they die and go to Hell.
Can I get a Hail Satan? Alrighty then.
But they are running out of time. Some people woke up and are speaking freely and trying to do something about it.
Especially in Europe, us Americans are still dozing off but we're getting there.
So when the majority realize what's happening and start to really do something about it after theyre done labeling us as racists, anti semites, bigots and haters what will they do with us? I'm sure theres a plan for that also.
Thank you. You've been great :hatsoff: