Lady Gaga first living person to have 10 million Facebook friends

So she has 10 million facebook accounts? That truly is an accomplishment!


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Approved Content Owner
I should join the group for Texas hold 'em and move my friends up to a whopping 43!
Why is this so important to people. All the radio stations I listened to this morning were talking about it and a few forums. She's kinda a human. Why should we all give a shit.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
At least it is not that abhorrent Ke$ha.

Kesha and no I am not putting the dollar sign in her the poor man's somewhat prettier version of Lady Gaga...and the only woman that should be allowed to have the dollar sign in her name is porn actress Nikita Ka$h or Nikita Kash
I can't decide what is more empty and hollow: Facebook 'friends' or Lady Gaga's music (and life, for that matter).
They deserve each other.
Hey guys! $10 on how some people created at least 3 accounts just so they could "befriend" her in each of their accounts :D