Zipset problem
I have a feeling we won't be having any zipsets in a while, due to one single member ruining it for all of us.
KT relies on her website and releasing zipsets to support her life. Sharing content and zipsets is enough to take down the site. Shes not a pornstar, and we are not a huge porn studio, so it is not like she banks.
With that being said, We are offering a $1000 reward to whoever can find out the "Seeder" of the ******* file, where we will prosecute the seeder for the cost of subscription for each ******* download. Which is $70 per download. I am sure alot of lawyers will take up our case.
This is a bummer. I think her zipsets have been fantastic. Sharing this stuff impacts the model's ability to make a living. Sharing is kind of a shitty thing to do. Why take money out of someone's pocket?