Knives are out for British diners

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Damn, that's rough. First they take away your guns... and now you can't even have a freakin' knife at the dinner table?! :mad:

Good people of the UK, know that your brothers & sisters across the pond stand with you in spirit. You know us Yanks are always there for you. How 'bout we send over our best freedom fighter, Sarah Palin, and help you get your right to have a knife at the dinner table back? Hey, we don't mind! We'll even pay the (one way) shipping to get her over there. Give that thought a couple of shakes and get back to us... before you lose any more rights. They might take your chairs and your tea next. Better hurry!
I can imagine eating with two knife would go quite well, but not eating with two forks. you would have to tare the meat apart.
This thread has been thoroughly amusing to me.

If you have a problem managing your food with the available utensil, eat smaller peices of food.

Start with peas and work your way up till you find a size that fits your function.

when you are going to the butcher ask him to get off his lazy ass and chop that steak into bits. bring along your utensil and show it to him for reference.
Are we? This is news to me :dunno:

I can see getting rid of the cup and saucer in favour of a mug because a cup and saucer is rather annoying to use, and quite poncey if you want my opinion.

A real man can drink tea from a cup and saucer and remain macho. Sean Connery likes to sip with pinkie extended and beat his wife with the other hand.
I've certainly never seen any sign of people dispensing with knives.What I do see from time to time is the disgusting habit of drinking straight from the bottle.I've seen quite a few angry exchanges about this ; no gentleman would ever drink from a bottle.
This is why I just throw it all in the feed bag around my neck.
I've certainly never seen any sign of people dispensing with knives.What I do see from time to time is the disgusting habit of drinking straight from the bottle.I've seen quite a few angry exchanges about this ; no gentleman would ever drink from a bottle.

And certainly not vintage port.....
Whenever I've visited a restaurant I've noticed that the older people use the full cutlery set whereas the younger people just use a fork, or sometimes just their fingers.
Since America is winning the race to see who can be the fattest nation, the UK is just taking one more step toward bring back the feed trough!
Whenever I've visited a restaurant I've noticed that the older people use the full cutlery set whereas the younger people just use a fork, or sometimes just their fingers.

Tragically, very few families these days take their meals together.Those that do probably teach their kids how to behave at the table.